44. funeral

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—- Wilbur's pov—-

I did not feel good the next day. And not just because of the funeral. When I woke up I threw up loads. Then I took my medication. I wore a black dress to the funeral, although I still stuck to my usual black boots.

There was barely any family that I recognised. And the majority of those who I did hated me. My mum was only concerned about me, she kept pointing out all my scars and asking me questions. She left me alone after a while and I went over to some cousins. It was nice to catch up with them. We all had good news. But then I heard a sharp voice behind me which made me flinch.


"Grandma." I said turning around. "Did you forget my name?"

"How dare you." Said my grandma.

"How dare I what?" I asked. "Show up or talk to you?"

"Don't speak to me that way." She said.

"And when will you stop speaking to me that way?" I asked.

"Don't be like that." She said.

"Stop telling me what to do." I said. "Just admit that you refuse to ever be happy for me because you hate the fact that I'm trans."

"Fine." She said. "Where are all those scars from?"

"I was kidnapped." I said, her face went pale, at least she cared enough to have a reaction. "And of course you would know that if you'd paid any attention."

"Look, I'm sorry. Did uhh- anything else bad happen?" She asked, looking down at the floor.

"Too many things to name right now." I said, I saw a look of regret in her eyes.

"Oh, is that an engagement ring Wilhelmina?" She asked, trying to move on.

"Yes. And my name is Wilbur." I said. "The whole family was told, remember? And anyway it doesn't matter, you wouldn't like him anyway."

"Wilbur darling, maybe we should go on a walk." Said my mum trying to distract me.

"And what other news is there?" Asked my grandma.

"The other news which you were told about?" I asked.

She nodded.

"I'm pregnant." I said. "That of all things I thought you would pay attention to."

"I've already said that I'm sorry." She said. "What more do you want from me?"

"I want you to actually admit all that you've done." I was yelling now. "We both know that you're the reason why I left the country."

"Why can't you just accept that you're a girl." She shouted back at me. "Your name is Wilhelmina not Wilbur." 

"This is the reason I left." I shouted. "And I will be happy to go back once we get this all done with."

I couldn't stop tears from pouring down my face. Various family members who had crowded round tried to comfort me but I just ignored them. 

"I am not going to lose him because of you." I heard my mum shout at my grandma as I walked away.

—- 3rd person—-

"What do you mean?" Asked grandma.

"We have been over this before." Said mum. "He isn't okay. I don't want him to kill himself because of you."

"Because of me?" Said grandma exasperated.

"Yes, because of you. He has so much to live for at the moment, if he kill's himself then I will blame you for the rest of my life." Said mum. "Also now I doubt that he would ever even consider wanting to be around you again."

—- Wilbur's pov—-

I just wanted to leave, but I couldn't. I messaged Quackity and asked him to pick me up as soon as the funeral ended. Just then an uncle walked up to me.

"Look Will, I know you don't get along with your grandma, but please make an acceptance. Just this once." He said.

"I wouldn't of even spoken to her if she hadn't come over to me and hadn't asked so many questions." I said. 

I walked off into the gardens. This place was massive. I soon saw some of the younger ones playing. 

"Wilbur." Yelled a few as they ran up to me.

They all hugged me. I talked to them all for a while before letting them go off to play again. Just then I saw one of my cousins who I'd been talking too earlier. She wasn't that far away from me now. 

I felt dizzy. I was clutching at my stomach. I stopped for a moment to cough. But when I looked back I saw blood on my hand. Then I felt myself fall to the ground. I could hear running. 

"Wilbur?" I heard the panicked voice of my cousin say. "Kids, go get help." She shouted.

Then it all went black. 

The next thing I remember was being shocked awake. I could hear loud running footsteps. 

"Wilbur? Wilbur?" I heard Quackity say.

I looked up and he was there, leaning over me. I hugged him without even thinking.

"How did you get here?" I asked.

"It's on twitter that you're engaged so we just called him on your phone." Said the cousin which had found me.

The two helped me up.

"The service hasn't started yet, has it?" I asked.

"No." Said my cousin. "It starts soon though."

People were starting to go in already. My cousin went off to join her family and Quackity went in with me. We sat at the back. I held onto his hand throughout. But he stood at the back when we all went up to place flowers. 

Now we were at the point where most people who weren't related or were very distantly related left. The rest of us went into a smaller room so that they could read out the will. 

"Dear prospective family members, I hope you are not displeased by my decisions. I have left a small sum to my parents, aunties and uncles. I leave nothing to Grandma because she should be dead before I am. I have no children and no partner so I leave the rest to my cousins." The lawyer said. He continued reading out what went to my cousins. "And to Wilbur I leave my holiday house near Brighton and all the land that it lies on. The possessions in which also go to him. And of course a small sum of money as well." The lawyer read out the rest and then it was all over. 

The lawyer gave us all various things and then we went back to where we were earlier.

"Is this the one that you're engaged to?" Asked grandma as we were trying to leave.

"Yes grandma." I said. 

She walked up to Quackity. "Take care of him."

I looked over at her. She called me 'him'. That's one step closer.

Quackity helped me walk out. I still didn't feel well. He took me to the car and then we drove back to Phil's. We didn't spend much time there though. I got changed and then we had to drive into London to get my car. Then the plan was for Quackity to return this car to the rental place and drive over to the house my cousin left me.

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