28. don't go near roofs kids

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—- Wilbur's pov—-

"Wake up Princess." I heard Quackity say.

I sat up. I must've fallen asleep.

"We're nearly there." He said.

I shuffled over and sat on Quackity's lap. I rested my head against his chest. He kissed my forehead and I blushed. I closed my eyes until the car stopped. We were there. We got out and went over to the group of people that was already there. 

"We're all here now." Said Mr Beast. "We'll start filming as we walk to the site."

We all grabbed our bags and then started walking in our massive group. I held Quackity's hand for part of it. After walking for a while, we got there. The entire place truly was abandoned. We set up camp near an abandoned warehouse. We had a ton of tents to set out. I was sharing one with Quackity. Then Dream with George, Sapnap with Karl, Nolan with Chandler, Chris and Mr Beast. And then there were a few more tents for the camera crew.

"So we're supposed to survive 72 hours." Said Mr Beast.

"How?" I asked. "Like that's three whole days."

"I don't know. That's why we're leaving it all to Chris." Said Mr Beast.

"What? Why me?" Said Chris.

No one even bothered to explain as he was literally starting a campfire just then. Eventually we split into groups. Some of the others went off to get water. Some went off to get more firewood because we'd already taken everything there was around us. The rest of us were supposed to be making food. While Quackity and Sapnap were attempting to cook, although they were more likely to burn everything down, me, Karl and George went off to explore the warehouse. We took a few cameras with us as well.

"Is this even safe?" George asked as we went around the building.

"Nope." I replied as I climbed up a ladder.

"There's an animal over there." Said Karl pointing in the direction of the animal.

We crept past it and continued going up.

"There are so many floors." Said George.

"I think we can get onto the roof." I said a while after.

The other two looked at me like I was crazy. But we kept on going up and eventually we came to a ladder which led to a trapdoor. I tried pushing it, when it didn't budge, I shoved it open. I went up onto the roof and the others followed me. From here we could see all around. I went over to the edge and just in the distance, I could see the others making their way back. The sun was starting to set and the sky looked beautiful. 

Down below us I could see Quackity and Sapnap looking for us. We shouted down and they looked up. That's when it happened. I thought about how George was nervous that it wasn't safe, he was right. I moved my foot slightly and the brick underneath crumbled away. 

—- Quackity's pov—-

And just as I was looking back up, I saw Wilbur slip. He fell down towards us. I could hear the others yelling. Tears stung my eyes. Then I realised that he must've lost consciousness as well. His eyes were closed and he'd got no control. He was so close to us now. And then, just before he reached us, I dived underneath him and caught him. I collapsed against the wall, holding him in my arms.

"Thank you." He whispered before passing out.

And then, it all went black.

—- 3rd person—-

The others ran up as they saw the two collapse. Sapnap was trying to wake Quackity up while George and Karl were making they're way down from the roof.

"What happened?" Asked Mr Beast.

"Wilbur, Karl and George were on the roof." Said Sapnap. "Wilbur fell and Quackity caught him."

Some others ran up and started checking that Wilbur and Quackity were both okay. Quackity's head was bleeding slightly from hitting the wall, nothing serious though. And they couldn't tell with Wilbur, he was either completely fine or almost dead. 

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