18. idk just another useless time filler

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--- Wilbur's pov---

When I woke up, I was still wearing the dress from yesterdays stream. I had a shower, and got changed. I wore a strappy yellow top along with a corset belt and black skirt. I wore my fishnets and some yellow converse. 

When I stepped out of my room into the kitchen, I saw Quackity blush as he looked at me.

"You're definitely gonna need a hoodie." He said.

"Good thing you have plenty." I said.

We grabbed breakfast, and then got ready to go out. We were heading to Mr Beast's site. Quackity was filming a video with them today. Me and some others were just hanging out there. I lay in the back of the car as usual. I fiddled with my necklace, and then I pulled on the hoodie as we pulled up.

We got out, and I went to the hangout room while Quackity went off with Mr Beast, Chris, Chandler and Karl to film the video. In the hangout room already was George, Dream and Sapnap. I waved and quietly walked over to a beanbag in the corner of the room. Dream and Sapnap were playing games on the massive TV. 

"Wanna go for a walk?" George asked me.

"Sure." I said.

We walked out and went outside. We mainly just talked about streaming and made dumb jokes. 

"I'm guessing that Quackity gave you that hoodie to cover up." Said George.

"Yeah." I said. "I think he just didn't want to end up blushing even more than he already does every time he looks at me."

We laughed about it and continued walking.

"You know he refuses to let me have my phone now." I said.

"Really, why?" Asked George.

"Well I tried to throw it across the room again." I said. "Maybe I should just block Tommy so that I don't have to look at his messages. And the others too." 

"That was on the stream yesterday, right?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said. "I hated that stream. The sub goal was so unfair."

Eventually, after walking for a while, we sat in the shade under a tree. It was so hot. I took off the hoodie and tied it around my waist. 

"Now I see why Quackity gave you the hoodie." Said George.

"Yeah." I said.

"Dream just messaged me. He's saying that we're gonna have a picnic, me, him, Sapnap, Karl, you and Quackity." Said George. "The place he said isn't too far from here." 

"Let's wait until we know they're there." I said.

"Okay, I'll tell Dream." Said George.

We sat for a while longer in the shade until George got a message. We got up and started walking towards the place. As we walked up to it, we could see the others sat underneath some trees on a blanket. Quackity immediately blushed when he saw me. I walked over to him and he pulled me onto his lap and wrapped his arms around my waist. We all ate lunch, which the others had brought over earlier in a basket. Then we just all talked for a while. I laid down and rested my head on Quackity's lap while he messed around with my hair.

"You two are definitely a perfect couple." Said George.

"Shut up." I said, not even trying to hide my blush.

Quackity just smirked and continued twirling my hair around in his fingers. We all sat like this for a while, Chris and Nolan walked up.

"We need Sapnap and Quackity for filming." Said Chris.

The two got up and went with Nolan and Chris. 

"Me and George are gonna go home." Said Dream, pulling George up.

Now it was just me and Karl left.

"What should we do?" I asked.

"We could go to the hangout room." He said.

"Sure." I said.

We gathered up the picnic stuff and started walking.  

"Where'd you get that necklace?" Asked Karl.

"Quackity gave it to me." I said.

I unwrapped the hoodie from around my waist and put it on. We were there now. We put away the picnic stuff and then went to the hangout room. We sat down and stuck on a movie. Karl sat in a corner of beanbags, and I sat on a sofa. 

(defo not a time skip)

Sapnap and Quackity came in just as the movie ended. Karl got up and went off with Sapnap. Quackity came over to me and leant on the arm of the sofa.

"We've got to go." He said.

"Carry me." I said, sprawled out on the sofa.

Quackity slipped his arms under me, and slowly lifted me up. I hung my arms around his neck and rested my head against his chest while he carried me out of the room. When we got to the car, Quackity laid me down on the backseat. He kissed me on the forehead before shutting the door and getting in the front.

just one momentUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum