40. cut

44 5 1

--- Wilbur's pov---

When I woke up the next morning, I ran to the bathroom and threw up. I took my painkillers and then had a shower. There wasn't much else for me to do. I got changed. I put on a yellow sweatshirt, black skirt, corset belt and black boots. I still had on my necklace and the engagement ring from the night before. 

"If anyone asks, I'll tell them." I said to Quackity as we walked down the stairs.

I went off to speak to Tommy. We sat in a small seating area near the front door.

"Niki and Jack are coming over to the US." Said Tommy.

"Are they staying here with us?" I asked.

"Yeah." He said. "We have only a couple spare rooms anyway."

I could hear yelling down the hall. Some of the others came running in.

"Pool." Yelled Ranboo.

And so a short time later we all found ourselves outside near the pool. I felt so awkward. I was wearing a yellow and white swimming costume. And I had a fair few scars now too from everything that had happened. None of us had gone in the pool yet. We were all sitting on plastic loungers (like the things at the beach). It was all covered up thankfully by these massive banner things which were attached to the house. In between the chairs where tables. 

I was sitting on the end next to Quackity. There was one table in between us. I took off my necklace and ring so that I didn't lose them. The sun would occasionally shine off of the diamond on the ring because of the gaps in the banners. I hoped that the others wouldn't notice or that the wind would stop so that it would stop. 

And then Tommy jumped into the pool. The others naturally followed. I just sat on the edge with my legs dipped into the water. But then someone grabbed my leg and pulled me in. I got dragged to the bottom of the pool. When I came back up, I was gasping for air. I pulled myself back up onto the side so that I could breath for a moment. But soon I felt someone trying to pull me in again. I looked down and saw Tommy. I jumped in as he tried to swim away. I caught up to him and held him under and then kicked him in the stomach.

I swam away but when Tommy came back up he chased after me. I squirmed as he grabbed onto me. He forced me under and then called over to Tubbo to help him. The two held me under as I slowly ran out of air. I swam away after a while. I pushed myself up off of the pool floor. And then I felt a pain in my foot. I pulled myself up out of the pool. There was a large cut along the bottom of my foot. I limped over to the lounger, leaving a trail of blood behind. 

I grabbed the few tissues that I'd left out and tried to clean away some of the blood. Quackity came over to check on me. But when he saw the blood he instantly ran to get bandages. Tommy and Tubbo came over to say sorry. But then Quackity came back. He started sorting my foot out. A few minutes later Tommy came back while Quackity went to put everything away. He sat opposite me. But then he noticed it.

"Is that a ring?" He asked. "Omg Wilbur."

I nodded and he hugged me. 

"He better be good to you." He said. "When did he ask?"

"Yesterday afternoon." I said. "Be careful not to tell anyone though. They didn't even know that we were dating, let alone that we're engaged. Or that I'm pregnant."

Quackity came back over now.

"Treat him well." Tommy said to him before walking off. 

"I'm assuming that means he knows?" Asked Quackity.

I nodded. I put back on my necklace and the ring. Quackity helped me walk up to our room. I got changed and put on the sweatpants and hoodie from the night before and then also put on the corset belt too. 

"I'm gonna stay up here and stream." I told Quackity before he left.

I set everything up on the desk in the room. Then after a while of messing around, I started stream. I left the starting soon screen on for a few minutes, but not long.

"Hey chat." I said. "It's been a while since I've actually streamed. So, as you can see, I'm not in the UK. I'm in California at the moment. All the others are in the pool, but I can't go in anymore because I cut my foot."

I read chat for a few minutes. Just then I got a call from my mum. I'd tried calling her earlier but she didn't pick up. I muted stream and turned off the camera. I talked to her for a few minutes before returning to a curious chat.

"I was just calling my mum chat." I said. "Had more news to tell her."


"There's been a lot going on recently." I said. "And chat shut up about Quackity. He's not my boyfriend."

And I technically wasn't lying. He was my fiancé. 

"The debate for me is, should I tell you guys or not? I don't think that it's the best idea. I'll let you guys figure it out for yourselves once it becomes more obvious. And something big is going to happen at some point. I don't to stream it, it would break our boundaries." I said.


"See, you guys are smart." I said. "But umm- anyway you guys will definitely see pictures of it. I'm gonna have everyone there. Although it depends which country we do it in."

Chat were starting to catch on.

"There's two main things anyway." I said. "No chat, it's not going to involve surgery. I sorta do want the surgery, but I don't really like surgery. And I hope that nothing has to involve surgery."

Chat went on a bit more for a while.

"You will find out eventually chat." I said. "Although I'm surprised you haven't already."

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