2. the truth

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TW: triggering emotions / situations, dysphoria, etc...

--- Wilbur's pov---

I felt confused. Where was I? Why had I fallen asleep? I didn't remember going to sleep. Although I didn't know what the last thing I remembered was. 

I looked around. It was all so... so... I don't know. It was strange. I was in a room, not someone else's room, a guest room. I was laid on top of a neatly made bed with clean white sheets. The walls were white, with a few gaming prints on the wall opposite the bed. The bed itself was just a double, in the middle of the room. Most of the furniture was wooden, there were two bedside tables, a dresser, and a wardrobe / closet. On the wall, next to the prints, was a door, it hung slightly open, inside was a bathroom. Next to the wardrobe, on the right of the bed, was another doorway, this I assumed was the exit. Opposite that, was a window with green curtains drawn. 

I sat up and realised that my case was next to the wardrobe. Balanced on top was the book I had been reading. Was I in Quackity's house? Yes... it was all coming back to me now.

He knew now. He had found out all because of my stupidity. Why had I gotten changed? It would've all been fine if I'd not been stupid. And now he knew. Everyone would know. I curled up on the bed, silently crying. I wished I could just disappear and then maybe everything would be okay.

At that moment Quackity walked in. He ran over to me and crouched down on the floor next to the bed. He put his arms around me and buried his head in my shoulder.

"Quackity?" I said, obviously sounding shocked by the look on his face. "You- you don't-"

"Omg, Will I'm so glad you're okay." He said, cutting me off. 

He started crying into my sweater, almost hanging off of me. 

"Sorry." He said, sniffing. 

"It's okay." I said, trying not to tear up.

He let go and climbed up onto the bed next to me. 

"So..." said Quackity. "I guess it's time to start the questions."

I looked down, feeling tears start to sting my eyes and began. "The day I started streaming I came out as trans. No one ever knew any different. And they all just thought I was a bit weird, not that I was..." I stopped, seeing the tears drip down onto my skirt.

"What do you mean that you were?" He asked. "You are whatever gender you want to be, or you don't even have to have a gender if you don't want one. No one can tell you who you are."

"Thanks." I stuttered. "I guess... I just never came to terms with the fact that I was different. That I wasn't a real-"

"Imma stop you there." Said Quackity, cutting me off. "Remember what I said. You are who you are. And if anyone ever makes you feel like you're not then they don't deserve you."

"Thanks... again." I said. "I just always felt different, and even though they always made me feel like a guy, not that they ever knew any different, I just never felt like I was. And it was hard for me at home as well. I lost a lot of friends, my parents struggled to accept me, although they did, and yeah. It wasn't easy. And I still have to take... other... things with me as well, all because on my passport I'm a girl and I can't always wear a binder."

I stopped, pausing for a deep breath.

"I can't let go of who I was. And I guess it will never leave me. It's not like I don't like my clothes, and now I've got more clothes in my style, I like skirts and fishnets and other stuff. It's just I also like the me that my friends see. And yeah..." 

I let out a puff of tiredness and I slumped back onto the bed. Quackity lay back next to me, holding my hand.

"You know everyone would always accept you right?" He said. "And they all know that you've had every right not to tell anyone."

"I know... it's just that... it's difficult." I said.

"I understand. But you know I'll always accept you right?" He asked, nervously.

I felt my face heat up slightly, no one had ever told me that before. "Yeah." I said, trembling slightly.

We both lay there, staring at the ceiling, holding hands. I felt myself doze off. I was barely awake, Quackity picked me up and lay me down the right way, with my head on the pillow. And he covered me with a blanket. It was so cosy. 

--- Quackity's pov---

It was late after I'd left Will. I called for pizza and hoped it was the type that Will liked. I was so worried about him. He didn't ever deserve any of the bad things that happened to him. He deserved the world.

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