21. shortest chapter ever

61 7 2

--- Wilbur's pov---

The next day, I felt fine. Although, when I woke up, I didn't even bother to go and get food. I knew that there was a high chance that I'd just throw it straight up again. This honestly sucked, it was so unfair that the others arrived and then I got ill. 

I was waiting for Quackity to eventually come check on me. And he did, but like I said, eventually. When Quackity came in and saw that I was awake, he went back out and then came back in with some food. He left it with me and then kissed me on the forehead before leaving. When I was done, the others came to see me. And also I got an apology from Jack who hadn't mentioned until know that he thought it was his illness that I'd caught. Although, he did also say that it didn't last very long and that I should be okay tomorrow.

And then I just slept.

(Imagine reading that short bit only to find out that it's the shortest chapter in existence, imagine)

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