24. car ride

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--- Wilbur's pov---

When I woke up, it was morning. I went for a shower and then got changed. I put on a yellow sweatshirt, baggy jeans, a corset belt, black boots and fingerless gloves which went up to the sleeves of my sweater. And of course my necklace from Quackity. 

I went out into the kitchen. I could hear Tommy and Tubbo bullying Jack down the hall. Quackity was sat on the table and Phil was making coffee. I said hello and then sat down next to Quackity. We held hands for a moment before the others came in. 

"Why were you beating Jack up?" I asked.

"Because he has to leave early." Said Tommy.

"Also who doesn't want to beat Jack up?" Said Tubbo.

"Fair point." I said as we laughed. "When are you leaving?"

"Today." Said Jack. "Like tonight."

"Well bye." I said. "And also you'll definitely have to leave hours before then too."

"Oh, you're right." He said before quickly rushing off.

We sat laughing and he returned a few minutes later. Tommy and Tubbo were messing around outside, trying to climb a tree. 

"Okay, so I've figured it out, and I have to leave in a few hours." He said.

"We'll drive you there." Said Quackity.

"Did you also work out the time for driving you there?" I asked.

"Umm- no." Said Jack.

I checked on my phone. "So, you're planning to get there in a few hours. So around about three hours?" I asked. I continued when he nodded. "It's a two hour drive. We can go now and then stop for a while to get lunch." 

"Sure that sounds okay." Said Jack.

We all agreed on it and then called in Tommy and Tubbo. We decided that we wouldn't leave immediately though and give everyone some time to get ready. I went into my room and a few minutes later Quackity came in. He went over to me and picked me up and then put me down on the window ledge. He stood between my legs and held onto my waist. He pulled me in and we kissed. 

"Thanks Princess." He whispered into my ear when we stopped.

"For what?" I asked.

"Everything." He said. 

We hugged and I felt like I never wanted to let go. 

—- Quackity's pov—-

I pulled him back in for a kiss before letting him go. He looked even cuter when he blushed. Just as I was moving, I heard a small sound. Wilbur was clasping his hand over his mouth and blushing even more than a few moments ago. I walked away smirking. 

"Bye Princess." I said before going into the kitchen. 

I caught a glimpse of him as I was closing the door, he was still blushing. It was so cute. Jack and Tubbo were talking in the kitchen. They gave me a knowing glance before resuming their conversation. Phil and Tommy walked in just as Wilbur came out of his room. 

We all went to the door and to the car. I helped Jack load his case into the car before we drove off. This time Wilbur sat in the front with me. The others all sat on the backseat. It was a long drive, but when we finally stopped for food we were all glad. We went through the drive-through and then collected the food. We parked up and ate the food in the car. We didn't really talk much. We got out and stretched before continuing. 

About an hour later we arrived. We drove around the airport and then parked up. I got out with Jack and helped him get his case out.

"Bye." Shouted Tubbo.

"Hope you have a bad flight." Yelled Tommy.

"Cya mate." Said Phil.

"Bye." Said Wilbur, waving.

"Bye." I said last.

"See you in the UK." Said Jack awkwardly before we drove off.

The drive back was worse than the drive there. Wilbur fell asleep and Tommy decided to cause chaos. We stopped the car for a while and threatened to kick him out. We didn't and I regret it. The others talked a bit but not much. 

"We're going out with Ranboo and Aimsey when we get back." Said Tubbo.

"Okay." I said. "I'll give you keys so that we don't have to let you in."

I was so glad when we got back. I felt so tired. Wilbur immediately went in his room. I sat on the sofa until the others left. I went in to Wilbur's room and he was waiting on the edge of the bed for me. 

"do you really need me that much Princess?" I asked jokingly.

It made me blush when he nodded. I walked over to him and he grabbed my hand. We laid down and he wrapped his arms around me and buried his head in my chest. I loosely held onto him.

"I love you so fuckin' much." He said, his voice slightly muffled.

"I love you too." I said, closing my eyes. 

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