Part 22: Sister and Issues

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Buster paced back and forth as he struggled to get a hold on Ms. Crawly who was supposedly meeting Clay Calloway. Buster groans as he gets her voicemail but then jumps when he hears Mr.Crystal approach him. He turns around to see him, Jerry, a young woman, the scout and two security guards walk up to him. He gets nervous as Mr. Crystal insults the set designs in an angry tone which makes Buster get worried. Mr. Crystal starts to laugh as he explains that it was a joke. Buster sighs as he nervously laughs along with him.

"Anyway this is my other daughter Prosha," Mr. Crystal said as the young woman lifted up her sunglasses.

"Hey," she said and Buster greeted her back.

"Wait daddy, you said y/n was here but I don't see her. Where is she," Porsha says as you look side to side.

"Good question. Where is my other kid Moon," Mr. Crystal said as he raised a brow at him.

"Um, she should be here somewhere," Buster looks around but jumps at Mr. Crystal yelling.

"Y/N! GET OVER HERE NOW," Mr. Crystal yells, getting everyone's attention since it was very loud.

You were busy talking to Johnny about your scenes together as you heard your name being yelled. You flinched as you realized whose voice it was.Your body stiffens as you see Mr. Crystal and Porscha. You quickly run to Buster's said as you stand up straight.

"Ah there you are. Porsha here she is," Mr. Crystal said as he went on his phone.

"Oh my God! Sis you're back. I miss you," Porsha said very excitedly as she hugged you. "Anything new? You still single? Do you have a job? We really need to catch up,"

"I missed you too Prosha," said a bit overwhelmed by all her questions.

"Hey this is your Sky-fi show right," Porsha said as she started to look around to see the different planets being built.

"Yeah. It's a Sci-fi show,"you said as you try to think of a way to get out of this situation since you don't really have the energy to deal with her energy at the moment.

"Oh my God. I love Sky-fi," Porsha said in an innocent tone. Buster then takes over your spot as you quickly step to Johnny who was now joined by Menna.

"She seems nice," he says as he side-hugs you.

"She's a good person but she requires energy that I just don't have right now," you said in a tired tone. Johnny and Menna share a laugh as they hear a track start.

They look up to the platform that Rosita is supposed to jump off from. They got excited to see her in action but she never jumped and the track stopped. They then hear Gunter call Buster and they all exchange worried looks as they see Buster rush to Rosita. You then see Porsha follow Buster and you raise a brow but decide to not say anything since you were worried about Rosita. Why didn't she jump, is all you could think about. Johnny and Menna had similar thoughts as you guys hear Porsha. She yells a complaint to Mr. Crystal and he just tells her to do what she wants. Prosha then jumps off and starts to fly though the warehouse. She then starts to sing as she finishes her flight.

Buster goes to thank her for her performance as a stage member hands him Rosita's helmet. Buster goes to give it to Rosita as he suggests for her to try again but Porsha snatches the helmet from Buster. You then see Mr. Crystal pulled Buster to the side and you got a bit nervous since you could make out the conversation.

You approach a sad Rosita as you hear that Porsha is taking her role.

"Maybe this is for the best. I mean you really were scared up there," Buster said in a soft tone.

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