Part 3: Start of it all

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It was the first day of practice, and you can feel the energy. It was a mixture of passion, excitement, and nervousness. Buster hands everyone a piece of paper as he explains that you need to choose carefully about what song you'll sing. He hands you a piece of paper, but you don't really look at it since you already decided what song you were singing and how it was going to be performed. Buster then starts to guide everyone to the back where all the dressing rooms were. He tells Ms.Crawly to help settle them. He was then approached by Johnny, who was clearly confused by his list.

"Mr. Moon, for some reason, it says I should be playing the piano?"

"Ooh, now that's a fun idea."

Buster and Johnny, turn to see you approaching them with your guitar on her back.

"A big intimidating guy like you playing the piano. I'd pay to see it," you say in a bit of a teasing tone.

"But I haven't played the piano since I was a little kid," Johnny said in a worried tone.

"I can teach you," you said in a nonchalant tone.

Your proposal earned a confused look from Johnny and an excited look on Buster.

"Really, that would be amazing if you were to help him y/n," Buster said as he was already committed to the vision of Johnny on the piano.

"But don't you also have to practice your song," Johnny said in a concerned tone.

"I already decided which song I'm singing. So I can help if you want," you said as you crossed your arms.

Johnny was a bit nervous and felt bad that he was making you help him instead of practicing your own act. After all, this was a competition, but regardless, he really appreciated your offer. You both then head upstairs, but Buster stopped you before you did. He told you that you could stay late to practice if you liked since you'd be helping Johnny. You gladly took his offer since practicing in an actual dance room would be better than practicing in your small apartment.

You meet Johnny back upstairs to see a pretty old piano. You lifted the lid to see that keys were turning a bit yellow from how old the piano was. You play a quick melody to test the keys to see that they work and you are galded that they do. You sit at the bench and turn to face Johnny, who is still standing awkwardly at the doorway, not entirely sure what to do.

"Alright here. Let's start off by seeing what you remember."

You pat the space next to you on the bench, and he takes the seat next to you. He looks at you, and you just pacientially wait for him to play something. He then hesitantly plays the F key thinking it's B. You let out a laugh, and he gets a bit red from embarrassment. You gently grab his hand and move it one key over to correctly play the B key. He was clearly nervous and unsure of his ability to learn. You give his hand a gentle squeeze, catching his attention. He turns to look at you.

"Relax, big guy. You got this. We just gotta take it slow, and I'm sure you'll be great. Practice makes perfect, after all."

You give a reassuring smile, and he gives a soft one in return as he nods his head. You move your hand from his and rub his back to hopefully help him relax a little bit. You then grab his list and ask him which song he is going to pick so they could practice after going over the basics of the piano.

He was clearly unsure about which one to pick. Since this pick could decide whether or not he wins the prize. The lights then suddenly went out, and you jumped a little bit from the sudden loss of light. Johnny grabs your shoulders and looks around confused. You both head down, and everyone else comes to see what was going on. You then hear Ms. Crawly mention something about paying the electric bill. Buster then tells you all to head back to practicing as he goes to deal with this. You then head back upstairs with Johnny, but you couldn't really see. The lack of vision causes you to miss a step and fall, but you felt Johnny grab you before you could hit the next step. You thank him as you guys finish going up the stairs and go back to practicing. You tell Johnny to sit as you go up to the window and open it to let some light in. You notice an orange extension cord going out the window from Buster's office, but you didn't want to worry about that.

You sit next to Johnny as you guys go over the basics notes for the piano. Even though it was a lot of information, you were thankful that Johnny did play as a kid so it started to slowly come back to him and he appeared to be a fast learner so that was helpful too. The lights then came back, and you both looked at each other smiling as you guys went back to the piano.


It was around 5 o'clock as you and some of the people were starting to head home. Johnny checks his watch and notices that he had to start heading home or he had to deal with his father. He gets off the bench as he tells you goodbye. Before he could fully leave the room, he felt you grab his wrist. He looks at you a bit confused with a hint of red on his face. You show him your phone, and he raises his brow at you.

"Let's exchange numbers. You know, in case you want to meet up to practice some more. I also made a deal with Buster, and I can be here a bit later than everyone to practice, so I'd be here kind of late in case you wanted more lessons. Or if you simply just want to talk, that's fine too."

Johnny mentally faces palms as he's felt stupid that he didn't even think about asking you for your number. He grabs his phone out of his pocket so you guys could extage contact information. With that, Johnny headed home as you walked into the practice room that they revered for you to start practicing your own act.


Johnny was moving his head along with the song on the radio. The radio was currently playing 'Runnin'' from the Mask Diva, which is what people call her. He really enjoyed listening to her songs because they are really catchy, and you could feel the emotion in her voice. Plus, it helped that she was relatable and had a great voice. He was also a fan of her dances she does in her videos, even though he considered himself stiff as a brick when it came to dance. He wished he could compliment her in person, but he doesn't know how she looks like since she always hides her face.

Johnny swerved the car in front of his dad, who was holding a stopwatch and clearly upset.

I've been standing here my whole life

"How was that dad?"

Everything I've seen twice

"You're too soft on 'em turns Johnny. You got to attack them."

Now it's time I realized

Johnny rolled his eyes as his dad leaned his arm on the widow of the truck.

It's spinning back around now

Johnny tried to tune his dad out with the song, but his dad's constant criticism got to him, and he slams his foot on the gas.

On this road I'm crawlin'

Making the truck zoom past his dad, and his dad falls forward, a bit shocked by Johnny's action.

Save me cause I'm fallin'

"Oi! Listen to your father!"

Now I can't seem to breathe right

Johnny was just speeding through the area, just annoyed.

'Cause I keep runnin' runnin' runnin' runnin'

He didn't like his dad's criticism, especially since he didn't even want to be the get-away driver to begin with, and he didn't even want to be in the gang. He was so frustrated that he didn't really focus on where or how fast he was driving.

Runnin' runnin' runnin' runnin'

He then sees his dad in front of it, and he slams on the breaks. The truck comes to a sudden stop as Johnny peaks over the dashboard. His face went into shock as he thought he had just run over his dad.

Runnin' from my heart

He jumps back as he hears a slam on the side of the driver's door and his dad laughing. His dad shows him the stopwatch as it read 16 seconds with a proud expression, but Johnny wasn't really having it.

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