Part 13: Act 4 and 5

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The crowd softly cheers as the lights dim and the curtains pull back to reveal Mike. Mike turns dramatically and starts to sing.

And now, the end is near
And so I face that final curtain
My friend, I'll make it clear
I'll state my case, of which I'm certain

Even though they all agree that Mike is a jerk, they still watched his performance. For the jerk that he is, he does have a nice voice.

As he continued to sing, Marcus finally arrived at the theater. He climbs down the scaffolding and jumps down. He looks around the dressing rooms but doesn't see anyone. He peeks behind the curtains separating the dressing area with the main backstage. He then spots Johnny but he sees something that made his eye slightly go wide.

He sees a girl give him a side hug which he returns and they look at each other before the girl rests her head on his arm. Marcus' eyes soften as he remembers that look.

It was the same way he looked at his late wife back when she was still alive. He looks on the floor looking for something to get Johnny's attention but a gasp gets his. He looks up to see you staring at him with your mouth slightly open. You tap Johnny's arm and get on your tippy toes to whisper in his ear.

He then turns around to see his dad standing there. Marcus walks out from behind the curtains as he opens his arms. Johnny runs up to his dad and hugs him. You stood there smiling as you were happy that they were finally able to fix their relationship.

"I'm so proud of you," said Marcus has he went back to hugging Johnny. Johnny fought back a couple tears as he heard his father say those words. Johnny looks back at you and you give him a smile.

He singles you to come over and you were a bit hesitant but you went up to them.

"Dad this is y/n. She's the one who gave me piano lessons," Johnny said as he gestured to you.

"Hello there," you said as you did a little wave.

You were a bit nervous since Marcus was much bigger than you but he didn't give you an intimidating look. He greets you back and you gave a soft smile.

Suddenly a bunch of helicopters started to fly over the theater, making Marcus backup and disturbing Mike's performance. Mike was clearly annoyed by this but he didn't stop singing. It was a bit hard but he truly showed how much of a showman he is as he manged to finish the song.

"Well I better get back or else they'll be wondering what happened to me. You'll come visit me right?"

"Yeah of course I will."

Marcus and Johnny share one more hug as Marcus goes back to the scaffolding.


You and Johnny looked at him a bit confused and you were a bit scared but you didn't show it.

"Yes sir?"

"Take care of my boy for me."

You were caught a bit off guard by his sudden request. But you agreed to do it, making him give you a soft smile before climbing the scaffolding and disappearing.

You let out a sigh and Johnny looked at you and started to laugh. You nugged him but gave him a little smile. You then see Menna run away to the dressing rooms. You were confused since her performance was literally about to start. You followed her to see what was going on.

You find her and see her cowering in the corner. You approach her, asking her what's wrong but she just looked paralyzed with fear.

"Menna come on, it's your turn."

"I can't do this! I can't move! I'm terrified!"

Menna sinks further into the corner. You approach her more as you move her hair behind her ear making her look at you. You could see the fear in her eyes and you sigh.

"Menna listen," you said as you slowly grab her hand. "I get it. You're scared to perform but listen to me," you managed to grab her hand and give it a gentle squeeze as you helped her back up. "But listen to me, you have nothing to be scared of. We're all here behind you supporting you and so is your family. So just walk out there and have your moment in the spotlight. You deserve it," you say as you slowly help her to the stage.

You give her hand a final squeeze as you let go to let her walk on stage. Her family starts to cheer for her but the lights blind her a bit causing her to bump into the mic stand. It hits a poor man's head and she apologizes as Eddie fixes the mic stand for her. This made Buster cringe a bit and the crew get nervous. However Mike started to laugh but his laugh was caught short as he stomped your foot on top of his. He starts to bounce and rub his foot as he gives a nasty look.

"What the hell?!?"

"Stop laughing at her or I promise you that I can make you feel more pain than a little sting on your toe."

You give Mike a nasty look as well. You were honestly waiting for the chance to put that bastard in his place. Mike looks back at you clearly ready to give another side mark but he stops himself as he sees Johnny giving him a death glare. Mike scoffs as he walks away.

Menna looks back to you as you mouth 'breath'. She then looks to her family as they give her encouraging smiles. Menna takes a deep breath as she hides behind her hair and she shyly starts to sing

Everybody's got a thing
But some don't know how to handle it
Always reachin' out in vain
Just takin' the things not worth having
But don't you worry 'bout a thing
Don't you worry 'bout a thing, mama
'Cause I'll be standin' on the side
When you check it out, oh

Menna takes another deep breath as she closes her eyes and removes her hair from her face. She starts to sing louder as the beat starts to pick up. Menna then starts to move her shoulders as she gets more comfortable and confident in herself. This got everyone hyped up as they cheered for her and danced with the beat.

Menna then got a bit too into the music as she didn't realize that the support beams were coming a bit undone with every jump she takes trying to hype up the crowd even more. The curtains collapse behind her to show the beautiful night sky shining above a great view of the city. Menna turned around to see the fallen current. She looks to the crew to see Buster shrugging his shoulders. She lightly shrugs her shoulders as she resumes singing.

Menna finished her song and her arm was in the air pointing at the sky. The crowd cheered for her as her family was in tears, so proud of her. Menna shyly bows as she makes her way off the stage. The crew congratulates her for her amazing performance. Menna gets flustered by all the attention and compliments she's receiving. She thanks them with her face red as a tomato.

Buster then walks out to the stage.and introduces the final performance.

"You ready Johnny?"

"Ready as I'll ever be."

"Remember. Just go with the flow and have fun with it."

Johnny gives you a smile as you both walk on the stage. You hear the crowd roaring with cheers as you and Johnny take your places on opposite sides of the stage. You on the right side and him on the left. The lights then dim as the beat starts.

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