Part 35: Double date

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After the season at The Majestic was over, it was back home. Even though The Majestic was definitely a nicer theater, The New Moon Theater felt more at home. The locals were definitely happy with you guys coming back. Now, it was time to get back to how things were and start coming up with some new shows.


"Wow, look at this shirt. This looks perfect for your show," Nooshy said, looking at you.

She showed you a black top but it was very revealing. It was a black crop top with spaghetti straps and a v-neck.

"Nooshy!?! No," you said, a bit embarrassed.

"Oh, come on. This would look hot on you," Nooshy said as she gave you a bit of innocent eyes, but they were countered by her sly smile. You shook your head 'no' at her, and she pounts a little. She then gets an idea as she turns to the boys. "Johnny, you like this right," Nooshy said as she smirked at Johnny.

Johnny was talking to Nico, but when he heard his name, he turned around. He raised a brow, seeing Nooshy holding the black top, and you a bit red. Nooshy then repeats what she said as she smirks and winks at Johnny. Johnny then looked at the top and back at you. His eyes then widened a bit as a hint of blushed formed on his face as a mental image of you wearing it came to his mind. Nico then sees this and rolls his eyes. He takes the top from Nooshy as she chuckles a little bit.

"Come on, Nooshy, we're supposed to help y/n get ready for her show next week," Nico said in a bit of a tired tone.

"Yeah. I still can't believe Buster talked you into doing a concert at the New Moon Theater," Nooshy said as she crossed her arms.

"Yeah, but I've been planning on doing something like this for a while anyway, so I'm glad Buster is giving me a chance. Plus, that theater is important to me, so I'm glad I'll do it there," you said with a smile on your face.

"Yep. That stage is where a lot started and hopefully continues the story," Nooshy said as she smiled at you.

She then glanced at Johnny and smirked. Johnny looked at her and mouthed 'stop it' at her. She then playfully rolls her eyes as Johnny just lets out a tired sigh.

"Anyway, we already got everything. And you got the list of songs right," Nico asked as he checked his phone.

"Yep. It's all taken care of. Now, I just have to wait for the concert," you said as you guys walked out of the store.

"I'm still upset that you didn't put 'River' on the list. It's literally your most viewed video. And for good reason. Not to mention 'Dark Horse x E.T', and your rock cover of 'Bad Romance' is also pretty spicy, and you two looked good in the video. And with Ash on guitar and Nico on drums, it gave everyone a different vibe to you guys. Especially Johnny," Nooshy said as she looked between you and Johnny. "I wish you two did more of that kind of stuff. There are also great songs," Nooshy said, giving you a cheeky grin

"I wanted to pick more of my favorite songs for this concert. Plus, the video was way too spicy. I mean,'River' had me doing some spicy moves on my own during the first verses and chores and then with Johnny for the second verse. And you had me finish on a pole. I knew I would regret giving you full control of the video and choreography Nooshy," you said as you looked at Nooshy while she just playfully shrugged her shoulders at you. You playfully shake your head as you sighed. "Plus, those other two, Johnny and I literally do nothing but suggestive dancing, and those two videos are also a bit too spicy," you said in a bit of a teasing yet serious way.

"Oh, come on. You liked it and you looked really sexy. Plus, I regret nothing because seeing Johnny's reaction to the full River music video was priceless. Also, like I said, you guys looked good. The 'Dark Horse x E.T' has to be my favorite video. After all, a king and a servant girl plus an amazing and intimate dancing and shots, ten out of ten," she said as she crossed her hands over her chest. "Plus, last I checked, there's no harm in mixing some spiciness in life," Nooshy said as she laughed.

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