Part 8: Aftermath

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Johnny helps you stand up but the second you stood, you felt a sharp pain on your leg. You stumbled a bit but Johnny helped you stay standing. You look down to see a big bruise on it. You let out a sigh knowing it was going to be a pain to get home.

"Where do you live?"

"Huh," you said as you looked at him confused.

"You shouldn't walk on that leg before treating it," Johnny said softly. "So where do you live, I'll take you there."

You were going to tell him that you were fine but your leg betrayed you. He told you that he wants to take you and you cave in. He gives you a smile but then shuts his eyes as he faces palms.

"I um, didn't come in the truck today but I can give you a piggyback ride. As long as you're comfortable, of course," Johnny said with a little but soft smile.

You started to blush since you didn't know what to say. You didn't want to agree since you thought it would be a bit awkward but you wanted to since you really wanted that piggyback ride. You shyly nob your head to make Johnny smile at you.

He turns around and lowers himself to allow you to get on his back. You nervously get on his back. You get a bit more nervous as he gets up. You felt your face get as red as a tomato as he started to walk. You would guide him and you felt some people stare at you guys.

"Johnny, are you sure this is ok? I-I'm not too heavy," you said in a nervous tone.

"Not at all," Johnny said in his normal, calm tone. Even though you couldn’t see his face, you could tell he was smiling.

"Are you sure," you said, clearly not believing him.

"Yeah. Here I'll prove it," Johnny said with a hint of teasing in his voice.

You were confused but he suddenly started to run. You tighten your grip on him a bit since you were scared you were going to fall but you then started to laugh. Even though you were scared you were going to fall, it helped that Johnny was laughing and his laugh was contagious.

"Believe me now," Johnny said in a cheery tone.

"Yes but stop running or you're going to miss the turn," you said as you laughed.

Johnny slowly came to stop to continue walking but that didn't stop the laughing.

*Your apartment*

You handed Johnny the keys to let him open the door. When he opened the door, he saw a small studio apartment. It was pretty empty but he figured you had it like that since you lived alone and you danced. He placed you on the couch and asked you where you kept the first aid. You told him it was in the bathroom and told him where the bathroom was.

He came back with the first aid and sat down in front of you. He put the first aid next to him and opened it. He looked at you for constant and you gave him a nob. You gently grab your leg and start to treat it.

After he was done he helped you lay down so you could rest your leg.

"Thank you," you said with a tired smile.

"Don't mention it," Johnny said as he gave you a side smile back.

Johnny goes to put away the first aid and you let out a loud sigh. You close your eyes and put them around the top of your head. You hear some tap the little table you have next to the couch to see Johnny placing a glass of water.

"You're too sweet to me, you know that."

"Well you're nice to me too. So of course I'd be nice to you as well."

You two share a laugh but it slowly ends as he heads for the door.

"Where are you going?"

"You need to rest so I'll leave you to rest," Johnny said as he reached for the door.


Johnny looks at you and sees you sitting up with your arm extended to him. You then get a bit red in the face but you don't break eye contact with him.

"I don't want to be alone right now. S-Stay with me. Please," you said with a bit of plead in your eyes.

Johnny POV

"I don't want to be alone right now. S-Stay with me. Please."

She looks so shy. It's so cute. Wait, did she just ask me to stay? Oh my God. She did. I'm such an idiot. She had a nearly-death experience about an hour ago. She's also injured and I was going to leave her alone. I feel stupid and like a jerk. I'm a stupid jerk. Way to go Johnny.

3rd Person POV

Johnny walks up and sits down on the floor with his back against the couch. He looks at you and gives you a soft smile. You give him a smile and ruffle his hair. You both share and laugh again as you start to talk until it was time for Johnny to sadly go home. You wanted to let him stay over but you didn't want to make things awkward. Not to mention he said he was going to quickly stop by the prison to see if he can visit his dad. You share a goodbye hug and Johnny leaves your apartment, making you both a bit sad.

*Next day*

The crew came to visit Buster who went to hide in Eddie's pool house. When they first got there, Buster didn't want to answer but he eventually did. Buster apologizes for the lie about the prize money and any other trouble he may have caused them.

They tell him it's fine and tell him that they still can do the show but Buster tells them no. He tells them that the media is calling him 'A danger to society' and all the other things that they're saying about him. The crew tells Buster to not listen to those reporters but Buster doesn't listen to them. Buster starts to slowly close the door but is stopped by Johnny.

"Listen. You're not the only one who lost something here. I mean I lost any chance of speaking to my dad again over this show," Johnny said trying to convince him.

Johnny's words didn't really do much since Buster tried to close the door. You then stop the door.

"Look Buster, are you really going to let these reports stop you now? What happened to the Buster Moon who still willingly put on shows even when nobody would come to watch. Who was the man who tried to put this God damn show in the first place, despite others telling him to quit. Where did he go," you said a serious tone

Everyone agrees with you but Buster's face didn't change one bit.

"I'm sorry you guys," Buster said in a defeated tone.

Buster then fully closes the door making you all sad, disappointed and upset by this whole situation. You all start to head back to home but you go to join Johnny's side since you still had a bit of pain in your leg.

Johnny was walking you back home but to be honest you didn't want to go home to your tiny studio apartment.

"Hey Johnny."

Johnny looked at you and you got a bit nervous. You didn't know how he would answer. You figured he would want to go home but you really didn't want to go home. But the truth was, you just didn't want to be alone.

"Do you wanna go to the park?"

"Excuse me?"

"I-I don't want to be alone right now. We don't have to go to the park but I just want to hang out with you right now. So can we?"

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