Part 41: It's officially you and me against the world

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The time finally came for the ceremony to start. All the guests arrived which weren't many people. You guys didn't want a big wedding but you still wanted to give your guest a chance to invite some people. The guests were just friends and family along with a couple of people from the shows that you guys got along with and about five people that your guest invited. Even though it was small compared to other weddings, it was still a good amount of people. You waited at the entrance of the hall as everything got settled in the hall. You felt the excitement and nervousness return to you but you kept taking breaths to not let it show.


You turned around to see Joe walk up to. He looked a bit odd to you since you've only seen him in jeans and t-shirts with an occasional jacket. But today, he was wearing a nice black suit. You weren't even aware he owned a suit but it did look nice to see him dress differently, even if it's a bit odd to see it.

"More like excitedly nervous."

"Yeah I get it. I mean, getting married is a big deal."

You look at Joe who had a little smile.

"What's got you so happy?"

"Well one, I can take credit for this since I was the one who originally told you about the show and that's how you met Johnny."

You rolled your eyes as Joe gave you a mighty grin. He puffed his chest a bit as he had a 'your welcome' face. You wanted to say something but you bit your tongue since he wasn't technically wrong even though it just happened by chance that you and Johnny were going to meet by the show.

"And two, you look nice in your wedding dress."

You looked at him a bit surprised since you didn't really expect him to say that. He gives you a smile as he fixes your veil a bit.

"Thank you."

"It's no big deal. It was just a little uneven was all."

"No. Thank you for all you did for me."

You remember the first time you arrived at Calatonia. It was scary since all you had were the clothes on your back and everything you had in your backpack. You managed to find a motel since you didn't have a lot of money. You then started to look for a job. You tried your luck at some restaurants and stores but they either weren't hiring or you didn't have experience which you didn't really understand what they meant. After a long day of job searching, you were tired and hungry. You were abou to see if you could find a convenience store for a snack and then you saw a little skate shop. You figured you try your luck on more time before you give up and get a snack. You walk inside to see a variety of skateboards, wheels, skates, helemnets, and just other skate related things. You then hear some barking and see a little Shitzu laying on the counter.

"Easy now Kiki. It's just a customer."

You looked to see a man with dark hair with red strikes in it, green eyes, white-tanish skin and a toned body. He was wearing what you assumed was the uniform and had a name tag.

"Hi. I'm Joe, the owner. Can I help you with something?"

"Um, yeah. I was wondering if it was possible for me to get a job here?"

Joe raised a brow as left the counter. He approaches you and you get a bit nervous. He then looks you up and down then heads to a shelf of skateboards. He grabs a (f/c) skateboard and looks back at you.

"You skate?"

You were confused by his sudden question. You were expecting something like 'have you ever worked at a skate shop' or maybe 'why do you want the job' or hell, even 'got any crime history'. But he asked if you could skate? That was it.

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