Part 40: Wedding or not, here we go

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After almost a year of planning, the day of the wedding was here. It felt so surreal that this day has finally come.

You were pacing in your hotel room as Porsha and Rosita got everything ready for you. You were alone since Johnny was getting ready with the boys. You were excited but you couldn't help but feel nervous as this was a big day.

"You alright?"

You turn to see Nooshy leaning on the door frame.

"Nooshy, why didn't you knock?!?! Wait, how did you even get in here?"

"I did knock but you didn't answer so I was a bit worried. And plus the door wasn't fully closed so it wasn't locked."

"Oh, I see."

You sighed as you sat on the edge of one of the beds. Nooshy raises a brow at you and walks up to you. She takes the seat next to you as she puts her hand on your arm.

"You alright?"

"I'm fine, just nerves and excitement is all."

You take a deep breath in and out to try to calm down as Nooshy rubs your bicep, trying to help. She catches a look on your wrist to see the faded scars. Her eyes soften at the sight of them as she feels her heart drop a little.

"Hey y/n, I'm sorry."

You look at Nooshy confused by her sudden apology. She looked at the ground as she sighs.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed someone. You got hurt and I couldn't do shit about it except hope you were okay. I couldn't help you," Nooshy said in a soft tone as she avoided eye contact with you. She then sniffed a bi as she fought some tears since the last thing she wanted was for you to see her cry.

Your eyes widen by her words. You then remember when you first met her.

You were 10, about to be 11 on a fateful night in Redshore CIty. You were sitting on the edge of a building, with your feet dangling as the cars passed by down below. The building wasn't as tall as Crystal tower but it was still pretty high. You just looked down at the cars as you hugged yourself. You were about to stand up when you heard the door. You turn around to see a girl with short white hair. She wore a green hoodie with blue leggings and she looked to be your age. She looked at you as she slowly approached you and took a seat next to you while you just stared at her. You were confused by her action but you kept your guard up.

"Great view huh."

She titled your head at her as she just looked at the city. You look back at the city to see it was filled with lights. You looked back at her and saw the soft smile she had on her face. She looks at you and you blushed a bit since she caught you staring. She giggled a bit at you which only made you more embarrassed and blush harder.

"I'm Nooshy," she said in a friendly tone.

You look back at her as she reaches her hand out to you. You hestaitly take it as you introduce yourself. After that, you guys would meet up near that building almost every day. You guys would go around the city, having fun and causing some trouble. You guys tried to not get into too much trouble but you guys had to run from the police a couple of times which led to you guys finding some cool, secret spots in the city and jumping out a couple of windows. In those secret spots you guys would just hang out and she taught you how to dance. In return you would play some music for her since your late mother was a big fan of music and taught you everything she knew and you continued to do music to stay close to her. Nooshy then saw how unhappy you were benign so she convinced you to leave the city. You didn't like the idea of running away since you had no idea of life outside Redshore city and you were scared at the thought of what would happen if your dad would try to bring you back home. However, Nooshy convinced you and the next thing you knew you were on a bus ride heading to Calatonia.

You then look at Nooshy as he continues to not avoid eye contact with you. You then hug her and bury your face in her chest. Nooshy was caught a bit off guard. She was about to say something but quickly stayed quiet when we started to talek.
"What are you talking about?!? Nooshy you have no idea how much you helped me! I wouldn't be the person I am today without you. Hell, I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for you."

You then move your face away from her chest as you look at her. You had a few tears leave as you breathed a bit heavy.

"So don't ever say you didn't help me because you are the one who's helped me the most!"

Nooshy felt a bit fronze by all of what you said. She then caressed your face as she wiped the few tears leaving your face. She then sighed as she apologized for how stupid she was. You tell her it's okay as you to share a nice hug. You guys pull away as you take another breath to calm down.

"Hey y/n, have you ever thought about it?"

"Thought about what?"

"About how different our lives could have been if I got on that bus with you. How different would our lives be?"

"Well, we would either live in an apartment with probably a cat as either high middle class people or just flat broke."

You and Nooshy share a laugh as you hear a knock at the door. You go to open it and see Carla. She tells you that everything is ready and you follow her. Nooshy then walks up and leans against the door frame as she watches you get ready for your wedding.

'I wonder, how different would our lives be if I just went with you? Would we still be friends or would we have been something more. It's a thought that still haunts me since I'll never know but it's okay. After all, everything works out and I'm glad that it did for you. But still, could we have been,' Nooshy thought as she watched you walk away. She then sighed as she herself got ready. She saw Ash by herself and they two decided to chat while they got ready.

Carla opens the door and Porsha yanks you inside. She puts you on a chair as she squeals as Rosita starts to get ready to do your makeup and Porsha finishes fixing up your dress with Menna. Carla mainly focused on your hair while Rosita did your make up.

Meanwhile with the boys, Gunter tried to add a bit more pazzes to dinner by adding a certain song but Buster was telling him no that everything was already finalized and it can't be changed. Nico laughed as he saw this whole mini-argument unfold.

"Is he always like this," Nico said in a bit of a questioning tone as leaned against the wall next to the mirror.

"You have no idea," Johnny laughed a bit as he fixed his hair.

Johnny then finishes his hair as Marcus and Joe walk in with the suit. Gunter then tries to convince Joe about the little last minute change but Joe couldn't tell him Gunter was serious or joking. Marcus then playfulling shook his head as he went to Johnny and tried his best to not be a part of that conversation. Marcus then hands the suit to Johnny and tells him to get dressed. Johnny takes it and heads to the other room as the mini-argument isn't really letting up. Even though he was entertained by this, Nico thought it be best to leave before I was dragged along. He waits on the outside of the door where Johnny was changing. He saw Johnny get out but he was struggling with his tie. He asked Nico for help and Nico laughed a bit.

"Did your parents never teach you how to tye a tie?"

"Well my dad never wears them and my mom didn't get the chance to," Johnny said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Nico apologies but Johnny tells him that it's okay. Nico finishes the tie and Johnny finishes putting on the whole suit. Everyone else then gets ready as the time was getting closer as the ceremony was about to start.

Sing To My Heart Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora