Chapter 79: Evolution

Start from the beginning

"We are on our way, Lord Megatron." Thundercracker replied from the elevator, and the two headed down, a large supply of Synth-En crates behind them, with the two seekers carrying two crates each, the Predacon watching all the while, interested.

The two seekers soon made their way down, and exited from the elevator.

"Synthetic Energon." Thundercracker said, as he and Skywarp brought the Synth-En crates they were carrying over to them. "Barricade and the troops will be delivering the remaining supply to you."

"I will determine its value after Lord Megatron's Predacon army is ready for deployment." Shockwave said, as the two seekers put the crates down.

A bang sounded out from the mine entrance, catching everyone's attention, and the Predacon made its way into the room, the entrance being large enough for it to fit. Coming to a stop near them, it screeched loudly, much to Cyclonus's annoyance.

"Unruly beast!" He growled, and picked up a nearby rod, walking over and hitting it in the helm. "You dare to roam freely without permission?!"

It growled, infuriated, scaring the seeker, who walked backwards and tripped, falling onto his back-struts as the Predacon crawled over. It then did something that shocked everybody in the room.

It transformed.

Everybody stared at it-him-in baffled shock, for such an occurrence was unprecedented.

"W-What...?!" Cyclonus asked in complete shock.

"Strike me again, and I will bury that rod in your Spark!" The Predacon growled, getting into Cyclonus's faceplate.

"I... I did not realize that the beast was capable of transformation...!" The seeker said, crawling backwards to get away from the large mech before him.

"Nor did I..." Megatron said, casting a glance at Shockwave, seeing that the scientist should've informed him of such a capability.

"I am no beast!" The Predacon declared, and marched over to one of the canisters containing one of his brethren.

"The ability to transform is a fundamental part of Cybertronian biology."  Shockwave said at last, as he walked up to stand alongside Megatron. "We simply possess no evidence that the Predacon species ever reached that evolutionary stage, since they became extinct in the Great Cataclysm."

"And now we know." Cyclonus finished as he walked over to them, having gotten up while Shockwave was talking, though the seeker wasn't impressed, thinking that its new ability would make the Predacon harder to keep under control.

"So, the rumors are true." The Predacon said, as stared at the Predacon protoform in the canister. "I will no longer be alone."

"And I see you've been keeping secrets." Megatron said, as he walked up to him.

"It was not my intention to deceive you, Lord Megatron." The Predacon replied. "I only recently became aware of my abilities." He then paused, and thought back to when he first came into being. "All I remember of my beginning... is hunting, and battle, and the wounding of my pride, and the cryptic, yet kind words of one who is unfamiliar. Thus, I began to burn with questions. 'Who am I?' 'Where did I come from?' The Warship's databanks provided historical fact, but still, I possess no memory of my own past, so I begun to reconsider my place in the present, and I wondered 'Could I be like the others?'. And now I know..."

"Yet you are unique!" Megatron said, seeing that such an evolution for a species has been reached, with the Predacon being the first to achieve it. "Miracle science! Cloned by Shockwave from Cyber-Nucleic Acid recovered from the remains of your mighty ancestors." He added, glancing at the container closest to them.

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