It was the same feeling she gets whenever she sees his face. The need to end him.

She push down her urge when her eyes fell on the fair maiden beside him. She stumbled back in shock at the resemblance the maiden bore with Queen Fiorenza, Ivon's mother. They both had the same golden hair and blue eyes. It was obvious that prince Ivon chose to dance with her because she probably reminds him of his mother. A woman she despise even more than death.

The maidens eyes also watched her in awe and Amber was quick to ignored her. She cared nothing about prince Ivon and his toys especially one who resembles the woman she hated.

She cast one last hateful glare in his direction and angrily walked out of the party leaving her trophy behind for the guards to take care of.

She has once again proven her strength to the king and he had no right to refuse her request this time. She was going to prove that she is in every way better than his precious son no matter what!

"Amber!" She heard his voice call her name when she was already walking up the stairs to her chambers. "I was worried"

Amber's blood boiled hot. Oh how she hated him to pieces! "worried?" She scoff loudly without even turning around to acknowledge him "you probably planned with father to send me to my death but now you are worried?!"

"Amber please do not get mad at me now. Do not blame me for things I know nothing about"

"Shut up you bloody bastard!" She snap turning around to face him, her eyes flash with rage. She hated those eyes, those eyes that reminds her so much of his mother "I will never believe a word you say. You are a snake just like your mother, a deceiver and I will never trust you!"

"Why would you not give me a chance to prove to you that I am not who you think me as. My mother is not the cause of Queen Nicoletta's_"

In a flash Amber breezed forward and grabbed him at the top of his cape. When it came to height, Amber could be considered one of the tallest women in the kingdom so it wasn't a surprise that she was looking straight into Ivon's eyes.

"Never. Say. Her name from those disgusting lips of yours. I know what you are and I also know that your mother is a snake. You can never convince me otherwise so do not waste your bloody time" she spat in his face and roughly let go of him causing the prince to stumble back. "We are enemies," she said "so stop trying to act like my friend just like your mother did before she stab my mother in the back!" In rage Amber stomp up the stairs to her chambers.

Ivon stood there with a disheartened expression. Why won't she believe him? Why won't she give him a chance to show how much he cares?

Ivon has been unable to have a goodnight sleep ever since Amber was sent to Behemoth to get the head of the giant king. He was worried for his sister. If there was anyone he cared so much about it is her, but she refuse to see it. Her heart is so overcame by bitterness and Ivon felt he did not stand a chance against her anger.

"Your highness" one of the royal guards joined him where he stood staring unmoving at the stairs "I heard princess Amber has returned." The dark haired guard said with a hopeful tone to which Ivon sighed.

"Indeed she has Armstrong. She has once again return victorious" Ivon spoke with a hint of pride in his tone. Ever since they were young he has always admired her strength and bravery. Ivon knew more than anyone else that if Amber was a boy, he stood no chance for the throne.

Armstrong's hands tightened around his sword in excitement. He could not wait to see princess Amber. His heart has been troubled for the eight months she has been away.

As if hearing his thoughts Ivon spoke "go check up on her Armstrong, she has returned from a truly terrifying journey. Make sure to call the royal physician if there is any problem at all"

A FORBIDDEN LOVE TO REMEMBER (GXG)Where stories live. Discover now