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(tbh I think this is the most proudest thing I have wrote in a long time)

Characters: genji , zenyatta , you and your mother.

You and your father, genji, went to the temple that your father went to  with his master.

You had met his master once, you don't remember how you met him. you were about 3 when you met him, your currently 6.

Your father didn't look to happy to visit the temple, your mother always talked about going how your father loved going to the temple but after your visit, your father went to the temple less.

You and your father was at the temple. "Oh hello little one, do remember me?" An robot said to you, the only thing that confused you was him floating.

You nodded no "that's alright my name is zenyatta" zenyatta looked at your father "greetings genji, you look well" zenyatta said in without emotions."hello master" your father said.

"Would you like some tea?" Zenyatta asked "no thanks" zenyatta looked down at you "would you like something to drink little one" you were a bit thirsty, you nodded your head yes " you can use your voice little chou" your father said.

"Yes please" you held your father hand. "What wonderful manners, come inside" zenyatta floated into the temple just to go in the garden. You had to admit it was a lovely garden, zenyatta sat on a big rock, you wanted to join him so you let go of your father hand and went up the big rock.

You were struggling to get up it. Your father giggled, he helped you up the rock,when you got up the rock you sat on it like zenyatta.

"Genji why don't you get us some drinks" zenyatta stared at your father for a little bit until genji sighed and went to get some drinks genji whispered something but you couldn't hear it.

"Your father had been my student for years" "really?" Zenyatta nodded. You looked at zenyatta"isn't it lonely here,by yourself?" You asked, "very lonely" he replied.

"Why did papa stop coming here after I was here?" You questioned. "Your father was scared" zenyatta said without any context you were going to ask another question but you stayed silent. After several minutes of silence zenyatta said something "you know your father wasn't as nice as you see him now"

You looked at him in confusion "what?" "Yes your father was a bad man that hurt people". "That's not true, papa won't hurt anybody"  "oh but he did, he hurt so man-" "stop." zenyatta was cut off by your father.

"We're leaving" your father helped you down from the rock and grabbed your hand leave the garden. "I'll be seeing you soon" genji groaned "it was a mistake coming here again" your father muttered underneath his breath.

A couple days later there was a visit at the door. It was zenyatta, your father wasn't to pleased to see him. Your mother called him to look after you because your mother and your father were going to an anniversary dinner.

"You couldn't have called hanzo?" You heard your father complain in his bedroom "clam down, hanzo was busy so I called zenyatta it looked like (name) had a good time at the temple" your mother told him.

Your father sighed. Your mother and father came out the bedroom walking down the stairs, "we're off" "Goodbye you two, enjoy yourselves" zenyatta said.

Your mother smiled "goodbye sweetheart, be good for zenyatta ok" "I will" you looked at your father he kept glaring at zenyatta. Your father and mother left but you heard your father said "I don't trust him".

After a couple of hours later your parents came home to find you gone with zenyatta. Your mother thought that you two went to the temple but you weren't there the same with zenyatta.

They couldn't find you and zenyatta anywhere.

(Tbh I'm proud of this)

Edit: I'm just editing this and I realized you never got your drink rip. Upcoming fanfics mercy, hanzo junkrat and roadhog(together (not like a ship)) and a few others. Don't be shy to give requests!.

Counted words: 699

Yandere Overwatch X Child Reader ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang