you probably know who it is (ramattra)

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.....I think I need help man.

Also I think this will be a bit darker than my other fanfics because the reader tries to escape from ramattra, so yea enjoy this dark fic if you don't enjoy dark fics don't read this, read something else.

Characters: you, ramattra and a shopkeeper

You ran as fast as your small legs can do. You finally got out of the temple, you knew that he was going to be after you but the best you could do run and hide.

You were close to a town, the closest building was a small shop. You ran into the shop panting heavyly, the shop keeper notice you and went to go see you.

" please" you manage to say "ok sweetie, where your parents? I'll call the police, I'll go get you a drink ok" he calmed you down a little. He picked you up putting you on the counter, the shop keeper went to go get you a drink.

You looked around to see if ramattra was following but you couldn't, he came back with a glass of water gived it to you. After a couple of minutes the shop keeper was calling the police until you heard a thud.

You looked to see the shop keeper dead on the floor, you looked up to see ramattra. You got scared and jumped off the counter to try and run away.

He grabbed your arm dragging you to the temple. You started to kick and cry "no! I wanna go home!" You screamed, "you are going home!" He said.

After a couple of minutes you both got to the temple. you were still crying but less kicky, ramattra put you in a dark room, saying why you shouldn't leave and why its dangerous.

After almost a day of you crying, you had finally apologized with a sore head "fine I'm sorry..I'm sorry" you whispered. Ramattra opened the door "that's all I wanted, you must be hungry little one" he softly spoke.

You nodded your head "you understand why I did this, don't you" you nodded your head once more. He picked you up while you rested your head on his shoulder "I'm tired" you muttered. "I'll put you to bed after you have eaten" didn't even what to talk anymore because your throat hurt from crying.

You just nodded after eating ramattra putted you to bed. ".....can I see my parents if I'm good?" You asked, ramattra stopped for a moment "maybe" .

Counted words: 422

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