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This time it's you as a yandere! Ha you just got an Uno reverse card also the person who asked for moria was Emerydidurmom  wonderful user name btw.

Characters: reaper, you and moria

Now time to the fanfic

You were hanging out with Moria, you loved her with all your heart. But Moria on the other hand she finds you annoying, even one time she threatened to experiment on you but you still hanged around her.

She was busy working while you kept taking about something. She stood up saying "I'm going to a 'friend' place alright, behave and don't even think about following me" you stopped talking and asked her something that she will soon reget answering "what friend?"

"Gabriel now will you stop bothering me" she said, you nodded your head yes. After she left and you waited a couple of minutes to follow her.

You were outside Gabriel dorm waiting for Moria to left. After 45 minutes of waiting she finally came out, you had to hide somewhere, there a bin close at the end of the hallway.

You hid there and Moira did even seen you. You walked to Gabriel door, he opened it looking down at you saying " Moria shadow, what do you want?". "Nothing, I wanted to ask you something" he stood there in confusion.

"What is it?" He questioned. "Where's your next mission at?" You asked him  innocently. "At kings row why do you care?" (I didn't know what to do for a place so I just picked an map from the game).

"Oh nothing, ok I've got to go now bye bye" you ran waving goodbye to him. He was stood there in confusion for a minute "what the hell just happened" he asked himself.

A couple of hours later he was caught by the police on his mission. You smiled at the news and Moria realized something was wrong you were being quiet. "What did you do?" She came up to you asking, you put on your best innocent look on "what do you mean?" "Don't acted innocent, what did you do to my experiment".

You smiled "but didn't you say he was your friend?" She clench her fists "answer the question" she demanded.

"Something he had coming"

Tbh I wasn't too confident on this story but I think I did somewhat well, also yes I'm bored so I'm posting fanfics. Idk if I wrote Moria well but hoped you like the fanfic.

Counted words: 410

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