reaper pt2

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Alrighty Negromancerr asked for a pt2 so heres another part, if you started to read this without reading the first part I do recommend reading the first part.

Characters: you and reaper

You woke up in bedroom you had never seen before. The wallpaper was your favourite colour, there was a shelf filled with books and papers with colour pencils and some of your plushies aswell.

Your bed was pretty soft and comfortable but you still wanted to leave it. You took one step off the bed and you fell, there was a chain on your ankle you hit your head off of the floor but your a child so you started to cry.

You cried for a little moment and the door swung open to see reaper. He came over to you and picked you up putting you back in bed wiping away your tears.

"You got to be careful little crow" he said making sure your head is fine. "Why am I here?" You asked, he was quiet of moment until he finally spoke .

"I'm here to look after you" he patted your head. There wasn't anything bruised just a little bump, to be honest you don't want to be with reaper you preferred sombra.

"Can I go back with sombra please?" You asked, he let out a large sigh. He was pretty jealous of sombra she always got your attention "no you can't " he said.

"Can I not be chained?" You questioned. Reaper was getting frustrated with all your questions "no. You are going to stay here, and do what I say" he said harshly .

You started to get scared now. Reaper realized he was a bit harsh, but he also noticed that you were getting scared.

"..sorry little crow" he apologized, he patted you head of a moment now talking once more "do you want me to read to you?" You nodded your head yes.

Reaper realized that it's going to take a while to earn your trust but he can deal with that.

Tbh I really like this.

Counted words: 346

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