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(I'm doing reaper again don't blame me, also credits to the artist)

Characters: you, reaper and your mother

You were working on a drawing in your bedroom. "Sweetie time for bed." Your mother called, you stood up and got dressed into your jps you finished a couple of details of your drawing and then put away all of your stuff.

You ran into your bed. Your mother came in your room to go to tuck you in, "night sweetheart" "night night love you!" You said.

Your mother giggled "love you too" she gives you a kiss on the head. You smiled at her, your mum was about to leave and turn off the lights. But you stopped your mother before turning of the light "no! can you keep the light on please, I don't want the scary ghost man to come" you were scared because for a couple of days at night you kept seeing a man with black mist.

Your mother sighed "you know that there is no ghost man" you were about to say something but you choose not to. "Well can you leave the night light on please?" You asked, "fine" your mother left the room but left your night light on.

You were about to go to sleep but the night light was acting up. It kept going off and on, you were going to fix the light and you left your warm bed onto the cold floor.

You fixed the light but it went completely dark. You started to panic "mum!" You shouted, you shouted on your mum again, you waited for your mum to come but she didn't arrive.

You started to cry, you tried making your in the dark but then you hit something but someone. "Mum?" You questioned, but it wasn't her.

"Hello again little crow" a raspy voice said. You walked back and bumped in the night light making it turn on, you saw the figure that you bumped into. It was the man you saw from every night, you closed your eyes.

You didn't want to see him, so you pretended you weren't there. He sighed "look at me please" he kneeled down at your height, you nodded no "I want mummy" you whined

He sighed. He picked you and you started to struggle, you started shout for your mother again "no, mum! Mum help me!" You shouted "listen to me" he said. "Stop it, don't make me put you to sleep"he threathed.

You didn't stop. So he grabbed a little tube fulled with sleeping gas, he spreaded it on you, you slowly drifted to sleep.

A couple of hours later you woke up in a room. It was filled with all your favourite stuff and a few things from your room. You didn't remember anything until you heard the door open, you saw the man who haunted you.

You started to cry . He was got confused at first, but then he understood why "hey, hey, don't cry  it's ok, your safe with me ok " his voice softed, "hey listen, I understand that your scared" he said. You looked at him with teary eyes "are you hungry? You wanna watch cartoons?" He kept asking you questions.

"...yea" you muttered. He picked you and lead you into the kitchen to get you food "what do you want to eat?" He asked, " (insert your favourite food)".

"I think I have that" he said. After getting some food you watched some cartoons. "What's your name ghost man?" You asked, he thinked for a moment should he make you call him his real name or his fake name.

"Eh what ever makes you comfortable kiddo, ok" he ruffed your hair. "Can I call you ghost man?" You asked he sighed "sure".

(You should have seen the original story for this it was pretty dark. But hey I like it)

Words counted: 644

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