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Characters: you , hanzo , elderly woman, young woman 'britanna'


You were 'saved' by hanzo a couple of months ago. It took you awhile to trust him, he wasn't violent or anything but you had a bad feeling from him.

You were sitting on the couch watching hanzo in the living room. he was teaching you how to use a bow, he kept talking until you heard a knock at the door.

'knock knock'

Hanzo had heard it was well. He squinted his eyes, he stood up to go open it. You stood up aswell because you were curious.

"Go sit back down ok" hanzo said. You did what he asked, he finally opened the door to see an elderly woman. It was his next door neighbor.

"Hello hanzo my daughter in town and I thought you might want to meet her, she the same age as you" she said. Hanzo was quiet for a momen, "why did you come to me about this?' he asked her.

"Well you seem lonely and I thought you mi-" she was cutted off by hanzo "thanks but no, Im quite happy by myself". The elderly woman let out an 'oh' "ok dear, I must be bothering you? It's alright I know, I'll get going take care dear" she left to go to her house.

Hanzo closed the door letting out a sigh. "But you aren't by yourself" you said. He didn't realised that you were listening, "I know but people can't let you know that your here now can't we?" He questioned you.

"No.." you muttered. Hanzo sat beside you on the couch, "but when I can I go outside?" You asked you looked at him with a little bit of frustration.

"Remember you can't go outside it's not safe, you can't be seen if you do they take me away from you." He explained. You crossed your arms "it's still not fair" you said. Hanzo sighed"I'll make a deal with you."

You were interested. "I'll let you out in the garden but you will not speak about going outside or be to loud in the garden, ok?" You smiled and nodded yes.

"Thank you papa" you hugged him and ran to the door that lead you to the garden. You had never been in the garden, you have seen your 'father' in the garden but when every you tried to go in the garden he always told you no and put you in time out.

Because that one of the rules hanzo has said to don't break, so this was a big deal to you. You waited for hanzo to open the door, you kept bouncing up and down in excitement.

When he opened the door you spirited out in the garden to see flowers , a little shrine and even a cat that sneaked in the garden. It had been months of you being stuck in the house. You played with the cat for several minutes, until you heard a noise at the garden gates. you looked up to see a young woman, she was quite beautiful you had to admit.

You ran inside before she could notice you. You saw your father sitting in the living, you ran up to him and shouted "dad there's some lady in the garden!"
Your father shot up and said "did she see you?" Hanzo asked.

"No" you replied. "Go to your room ok, I'll handle this" you went to your room and hanzo went in the garden. He saw the woman, 'its mabye the old woman daughter' he thought.

She head notice him and then approach him "hello there" she said.
"Hello" he replied, he was a little bit nervous about her might of seeing you.

"Was that your kid in there, they seem similar" 'shit' hanzo thought "um well yes" he had to come up with a plan fast. "Why are you in my garden?" He asked, she smiled and said "well my mother stopped by didn't she?" Hanzo sighed.

"Why don't you come in for a cup of tea?" He asked. The woman agreed not realising that, that was the worst mistake she had made. The adults went in the kitchen hanzo making tea and the woman looking around the place.

"What's your name?" She asked. "Hanzo shimada" he replied "ooo a man from Japan" she said. Hanzo finished making the tea, and handed it to her "and your name?" "Brianna" she replied (I'm not targeting any Brianna it's the only thing I could think of for a name)

She drank the tea. She didn't knew that hanzo had put something special in that tea.she was starting to get dizzy and confused, she had realised what hanzo did "wha..what did you put in my cup? " She asked.

Hanzo took a sip from his non poisonous tea "methanal" he replied. She tried to ran for the door but in a couple of minutes.


She on the floor with her lifeless body. You heard the noise and you went to go see what it was, you saw your 'father' carrying her body to the garden."what are you doing?" You asked.

"Go back inside I'll be there in a minute" he said not replying to your question, you huffed and went back in your room.

Your father came but inside and acted like anything happened at all.

A couple of days later the old woman came to the door worried where her daughter was. Hanzo lied and said he doesn't know where she was. Later on the woman was on the news saying that she was be missing.

(I finally did a hanzo fanfic I'm proud of myself)

Counted words: 964

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