mercy but u are the yandere

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Alright I always had this idea but never really used it. Also this has a gency/ genji X mercy ship don't like it don't read.

Characters: you, mercy and genji.

You were hanging out with mercy in the medical room. You loved your mother mercy, she was so kind and sweet to you. Whenever you did something wrong she would shout, yea should get you in trouble but she wouldn't raise her voice or hurt you.

You were rambling on about something until you noticed that mercy looked a little bit nervous "mama why are you nervous?" You asked in an innocent tone of voice "oh well...I guess I can't hide it forever I guess"  you were confused, what was she talking about?.

"Well, darling, I have met someone and you know him very well and well we fell in love" she admitted. You were even more confused and a little bit jealous. You looked down at your feet and let out an oh.

"But don't worry you know him and you trust him, I think, but please don't be sad" you huffed. You thought she only loved you, not some random man, you loved her and she loved you.

"Do you want to know who it is or do you want time" she offered. You were a little bit curious "who is it?" You asked. Mercy let out a small sigh "it's genji" "what".

You looked at mercy like she was crazy. That's not fair, yea sure you liked genji but you didn't trust him enough but mercy knew that, so why did she start dating him.

You were quiet for while, like a long time before you said anything "how long have you been dating him?" You asked. "4 months" "4 MONTHS" you shouted.

"(Name) lower you voice" mercy said. "No, i thought you loved me and only but I was wrong, don't want to see you again!" You shouted and stormed out the room. You didn't really mean that of course, you didn't mean to say it.

But you stormed to your but you passed by genji along the way. "Hello (name)!" Genji greeted but you walked passed him like a ghost.

You finally reached your room. You stayed in your bedroom for 3 hours straight, you didn't even go and get dinner. But after an another hour went by you got a vister.

It was him "hello (name), I understand that your still a little upset from um...hearing the news of me and your mother. Listen I know it will bother in for a while but you'll get use to me. You don't even have to call dad if you want" he explained. You didn't even answer him.

"You took away my mama from me" you muttered. "So leave me alone, I don't want you here or anywhere near my mother" you added. Genji was a bit shocked of what you said but he understands why "well that kinda hurts but I understand" he commented on.

He left the room. You hate him so much right now, he thinks he could steal your mother but you thought of something so cruel she would break up with him.

Ngl I really like this mercy fanfic.

Counted words: 543

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