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Welp Im bored and got nothing else to do in my life so yea more.

Tw!!: Death, blood and mentions of death. Don't like don't read!!!!!

Characters: you, hanzo and genji

You were the child of hanzo shimada. You grew up as a happy child , you never heard from your family when every you ask about them your father would just stay quiet and never talk about it ever again.

You were with your father, he was mediating and you were drawing next to him not trying to disturb him. Until there was a knock at the door, your father got up to go answer the door you were curious so you followed him.

He stood at the door and opened the door. "Ah brother! How are you" a man greeted, your father stood there and muttered "what are you doing here" you couldn't see the man but you can see you father face, his face was full of shock.

"Oh come on, it's all most Christmas I'm wanted to see my brother" he cheered. Brother? Your father never mentioned a brother before to you, hanzo could see through his lie and took a few steps backwards making you move out of his way.

You could finally see the man. He was half an omnic and half man, his face was cover up with a mask but you could tell that he was smiling. "I remember you, little (name) you haven't you grown a bit." He said kneeling down, his hand almost touching your face. Your father grabbed his hand and said "get out genji".

Genji sighed and said "fine, fine" he got up and headed out the door saying one last thing "I'll be seeing you soon little cherry blossom" then He finally left. hanzo slammed the door shut and muttered "jigoku he Ike"

"Who was that? How does he know me papa" you asked him. He looked down at you and sighed, he walked over to the couch and sat "come and sit, I will explain everything to you" he said.

You came and sat on the couch staring at him making him sigh once more.

"When you were born me and your mother were so happy. After a couple of days we showed you to my brother, genji, he was obsessed with you after he met you. We didn't take you to him anymore and he got jealous, so he .....killed your mother. So I took you away as far as I could and made sure he could never see and hear you ever again" he said.

You looked down at your feet. You were about to say something but father got up and picked you up "well it is time to go to bed for you" "But I don't want to" you whined. He put you into bed and asked "is your brother going to come back?" You dad kneeled down and kissed your head. "Not as long as I live" you smiled.

You finally went to sleep. After a couple of hours went by you heard something.


You woke up to things being smashed and broken, you got out of bed to go get your dad but you heard voice in the distance. "You dare tried and steal my child away from me!" You heard your dad shout "I'm not stealing them I'm saving them from you" you heard another voice shout.

You ran back onto your bed pulling the blankets over your head hoping everything would end. After an hour of choas it was quiet, it was way to quiet. You peeked your head out of the blankets "papa?" You called out.

You saw that your door was open. You never opened the door. You felt a hand on your head "do not worry I'm here" you got out of bed as quickly as possible seeing it was genji. "Where's papa?" You asked.

He didn't say anything. You ran out of the room trying to find your dad, You ran down the hallways seeing that there was alot of damage here. You got to the living room seeing a spot of a red mark at the bottom of the door.

You slowly opened the door to see something that you regeted for the rest of your life. You saw your father's lifeless corpse on the floor, his stomach slit wide open.

You screamed in horror and fall into the floor crying "there,there I'm here" genji patted your head. You backed away from him "no.. no leave me alone" you cried, you cried some more. "Please stop crying, hearing your crys brings pain to my soul".

He picked you up, he rubbed your back. He had put you to sleep. He walked out of the house and just before leaving he said something to his dead brother "this is payback brother".

I think I did very well on this one, the first time I wrote this it didn't save :(

Counted words: 831

Yandere Overwatch X Child Reader ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang