teenage reader with hanzo (not dating tho)

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(me who hasn't posted since June) ....hi everybody :)

Alright I'm so sorry for keeping y'all in the dark but I'm back...for a little while and yes it's another hanzo to start things off y'know?

But I got the idea from a while ago, enjoy

Summary: you/reader are being braty and want to go back home but hanzo is having none of it. He isn't letting you leave the house nor your room

Characters: you/reader and hanzo shimada

You were currently in your new room that hanzo had decorated. You hated him so much! He took you away from your friends, family and even your own technology making it harder for you to contact help.

You it was 7:35 and you were looking for a way out until hanzo knocked on the door "time to get up and eat breakfast" he announced not entering the room just simply walking back to the kitchen.

You sigh and go to the kitchen slightly pissed off "what's wrong with you?" He questioned you and you just grumbled sitting down in your seat, you were about to eat until you heard him speak again.

"I asked what's wrong with you?" He says once more demanding "...I hate it here..." You managed to say in a hateful tone "why? I decorated your room with stuff you like, I give you privacy and I even let you stay up later then usual" hanzo was trying to act like a good dad but in reality he isn't.

"..you kidnapped me and when I told you I had a plan to escape, you threatened to kill all my love ones and kill anyone who tries to help me" you spat back at him making his face look more stern.

"Don't talk back to me, you're better off with your friends and family" "it's called a conversation and it's not my fault you don't have any friends or family of your own" that made hanzo stop everything and stare at you with slight anger and disappointment.

You glare back at him not backing down from this. He lets out an annoyed sigh "apologies now" he demanded "..no" you refused to back down because you knew you were right.

"I'm giving you the count of 3 to apologise and eat your breakfast quietly" he told you in a slight threatening tone "...make me" you challenged which he was slightly surprised then a smug grin appeared and then suddenly turned sadistic.

"Very well" he stood up grabbing your hair and drag you to your room. You were kicking, screaming and was in pain. He chucked you into your room and locked the door.

"You'll soon learn to respect me as an elder and a father to you, do you understand?" He questioned outside your door. You kicked the door and tried to open the door "let me out!"

Hanzo chuckles at your attempt to open the door "not until you learn"

I think I did well for not writing for months

Words counted: 506

Yandere Overwatch X Child Reader ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz