Cassidy/ mcree

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I'm just going to call him Cassidy because I'm not bothered of putting Cassidy/ mcree all the time.

Also I tried making this as yandere as I possible

Characters: you and Cassidy

You were watching cartoons in your onesie waiting on Cassidy to come back home. You heard the door open knowing that's it's Cassidy, you jump up hugging him when you saw him.

"Woah, hey there pumpkin" he patted your head and then picked you up. Cassidy had stolen you since you were a baby and when you got a little bit older you started to ask questions. How do I not look like you? Where my mum? Ect.

He made an excuse for every single one of those questions. After about 2 years the police gave up on searching for you, Cassidy was quite glad about that.

"Did you get something to eat? Drink?" He asked. You nodded your head no, he walked in the kitchen he had to put you down because he needed to pour you and him a drink.

For you apple juice and for him whiskey. You noticed that, when ever Cassidy drinks whiskey it means something ethier went wrong or he felt tired.

"Papa, is everything ok?" You asked in your innocent little voice while he handed over your drink. He nodded and patted your head "yes darlin' just go sit down I'll get you something to eat" he said taking a little drink from his cup.

You thanked him and went through to the living room continuing to watch cartoons. After a couple of minutes he came through with a sandwich and gived it to you.

He sat down next to you letting out a sigh. There was a long silence until Cassidy spoke "so honeybee did you have a good day?" He asked his voice sounded a little bit forced but still positive.

You nodded your head "I made lots of pictures and I finished the book you gave me" you were quite happy, he smiled at you and patted your head.

"I'm proud of you" he said. After a couple of moments later he spoke once more "you know I love you right?" You nodded your head.

He kissed you head making you giggled. You always describes Cassidy kisses as whisker kiss because his beard reminded you of cat.

That the end of this fanfic, tbh I was so close of writing mcree so many times.


A couple of hours later you saw Cassidy shaving his beard. You gasped "noo" you whined, he giggled "yes I know, but I have to there always crumbs in it" he complained. You sat on top of the toilet watching Cassidy shave his beard.

It was like art work being ruined. After a few minutes he was done, "don't worry it'll grow back soon" he kissed the top of your head. I wasn't the same, you missed the whisker kisses "it's not the same" you muttered.

Counted words:496

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