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Yes I'm aware dopedy is not a word but let me explain k.

You are the adult and the overwatch character is the child but they are the yandere if that makes sense in any way.

But it was hard on which character to do so I just spinned a wheel with overwatch characters on them and it landed on hanzo no joke.

So enjoy hopefully and also I will do up coming fanfics after this one promise. Ok now enjoy the fanfic.


Characters: you and child hanzo.

Summary: you were busy doing something and hanzo had to show you something, after that he started to act werid.

Tw: mentions of murder and death

You were washing the dishes, you were pretty depressing your youngest son; genji had gone missing a couple of months ago and still haven't gotten over him but at least you've got your other son; hanzo.

You sighed thinking about your son, hanzo been taking his younger brother disappeared  well but a bit too well. You pull out the plug for the sink and drying your hands "(mother/father/idk what they, them are called) " hanzo called out.

He was hiding behind the kitchen door frame. "Yes love?" You replied walking up to him, he was quiet for a moment and his face looks like he just did something wrong.

"I have to show you something in the garden" he said grabbing your hand. He walked to the garden while you were walking behind him, you looked around your garden seeing all the colourful flowers and the bees collecting the polien from the flowers.

You smiled softly at looking at the sight. Hanzo stopped outside of a bush and pointed at it "you want me to look in the bush?" You asked him, he nodded his head putting down his arm.

You looked at the bush to see your youngest son "genji" you muttered seeing your son's lifeless body. You started to cry and not long after you called the police.

After acouple of week go passed and hanzo been acting strange. You were sleeping in your bed until you were awoken by your son shaking you "hello honey, what times it?" You asked looking at the time that was 1:09 am at night.

"Can I sleep with you?" He asked. You nodded your head moving around to make space for him "hey (mother/ father) " he called out you nodded your head in response "I will never let anything happen to you, ok" he said starting to cuddle you.

"Same here" you patted his head "....I have something to confess" he muttered. You sat up looking at him "yes what is it?" He sighed with guilt in his eyes "I dared genji to hide in the garden but when I went looking for him I couldn't find him" he said.

You pulled him into a hug "do you think your responsible of genji death?" You questioned. He nodded his head "well your not ok, none of this is your fault".

Oh but he knew it was his fault, he didn't really care that he killed his younger brother he got a little more attention from you so he had enough. So he said there was something cool in the bushes and told him to check it out.

He fell for the trap, while genji was in the bush hanzo picked up a big rock and...well you know happened. But hanzo didn't feel guilty at all.




upcoming fanfics is. Bastion and mercy like I said you can always request something.

Counted words: 609

Yandere Overwatch X Child Reader ImaginesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum