"I've never heard of it."

"That's too bad. It's the best island in the entire Caribbean."

"And why is that?" He smirks leaning closer.

"Blue water, white sand beaches, and all the women look like me." He looks me up and down and tuck my hair behind my ear pretending not to notice. I elongate my neck and lower my head forcing myself to look up at him through my eyelashes. A small smirk appears on his lips.

"Look like you how?"

"You ever see curves like these on an American woman?" I chuckle daintily.

"Can I get y'all something?" The bartender asks drawing everyone's attention.

"Let me buy you a drink. You shouldn't have to drink alone."

"I'm never alone. I'm here with the band. They sent me to get shots."

"Well get you something and get them something too."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, honey. Whatever you want." I smirk turning to the bartender with coy eyes.

"Eleven shots of tequila and two rum and cokes. Top shelf and could you put it on a tray please?" Four of them shake their heads and walk away. Guess they don't have the money to spend.

"Make it 20 shots." I gasp.

"You are too kind. Mister..?"

"They call me Tyrell."

"Okay, Tyrell." I swoon.

"Big band?"

"Three for me and one for each of them. I'm not sure what we'll do with the extras."

"Three? That's a lot for a little lady."

"I hold it well. I'm already three shots in." I say shrugging.

"I like that. I like that. So, listen, Miss..?"


"Miss Genevieve", he smirks walking closer to me, savoring the taste of my name.  "What would it take for you to ditch your band and your boyfriend to come spend time with me?"

"Do you have something I want?"

"I got money, I got cars, I got a big house with a pool and a hot tub."

"And what is it you do again?"

"I'm in sales." He smiles. I chuckle knowing exactly what he means. "Come on, Genevieve. I'm sure your boyfriend ain't nothing like me." The bartender pushes the tray in front of me and I get out of my seat. He's easily a foot taller than me even in my heels but it doesn't matter. I got what I wanted.

"Does sales make you more money than a rockstar?" He opens his mouth to respond, but I cut him off. "Does your house have more than 6 bedrooms, a private garden, and a view of the whole city?"


"Can you take me all over the world?" He shakes his head. "Then, I should stay where I am." I lift the tray and hold it in my right hand before walking off. "Thanks for the drinks though."

"Man, don't nobody want your uppity ass anyway."

"You weren't saying that when you spent $165 on me." I smirk.

"Whatever. Come on y'all let's go." He slaps a large stack of cash on the counter and waves his hand. All the men he was with before get up and follow him out the door. I shrug and walk over to the table setting down the tray.

Motivation of Memories: The Second Book of the Labors of Love SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now