The King of Legend! The Rage of The Kingdom!

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Chris went into the Tan Line Temple to find his friends. He had to make sure he was hidden in sight of the Guards or else he was going to get caught. He hid behind the pillars out of sight of the Guards to make up a plan. Then he saw multiple servants training to serve the "Princesses and Princes" and then he went to a room where they were being taught to do so. The Teacher left the room and then Chris barged in the room and demanded a Servants Attire. He dressed up as a Servant and then he went undercover. He then entered the Dungeon and then he ran down the hall looking for his friends. He searched from cell to cell and he couldn't find them anywhere. Then he was about to give up until he heard muffling crys from one of the cells.

Chris: Wait! I hear something!

Then he followed the sound and on the way he was attacked by a Guard. He made quick work with him and then took his Guard Costume and then disguised as a Tan Line Guard. He continued to follow the sound until he was lead to a cell. He ripped open the cell door and he saw Shantae dressed as a Tan Line Princess tied up.

 He ripped open the cell door and he saw Shantae dressed as a Tan Line Princess tied up

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Shantae: MMMMPH!!!

Chris: SHANTAE!!!

Chris ran to Shantae and broke the ropes to set her free and took off her mask. She hugged Chris and he hugged back but his face was 200 Shades of red because she was dressed Half-Naked.

Chris: *Blushing Hardly* Ummm! I-Is this a new outfit you got?

Shantae: Well the king forced me to wear this...

Chris: What!? That is so dang wrong!

Shantae: Well we kinda made him angry soooo. Yeah!

Wolf Bane Guard #3: Tommy! Is everything alright over there?

Chris: Crud! I need you to play along Shantae!

Shantae: Okay! With wh- Mmmmph!?

Chris putted a light mask on Shantae so she could talk and then grabbed her arms and placed them behind her back and then the two began to play along.

Chris: Yup! Everything okay here! I caught her trying to escape!

Wolf Bane Guard: Girls these days. Okay put them back with the rest.

Shantae: *Whispering* How long do we have until they realize that we're just faking it?

Chris: *Whispering* Well you know the way to the cells so we can go there right now! Just play along!

Shantae: *Whispering* Okay!

Wolf Bane Guard: What was that?

Chris: NOTHING! NOTHING! I was just telling her about the last time someone escaped!

Shantae: *Fake Muffling* Mmph! Mmmph!

Wolf Bane Guard: Okay. You may go.

The Guards then left and then Shantae led Chris to the cell were everyone was being held. They were getting close and Chris and Shantae decided to play along and then they did the same thing they did to the guards as they approached the cell. When Chris got closer he saw that all of the Boys were wearing Tan Line Prince outfits.

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