Into The Sunken City! Vincent: The Prince of Pride! (CHAPTER REWRITE)

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Vincent was lookin all over for Sky. He looked everywhere around the Island to find her. He check Tree Town, nothing. Armor Town, nothing. He check every single labyrinth but it was all destroyed and he couldn't tell who was it. He went outside and he flew into the air to get a better view. But he just couldn't find Sky.

Vincent: Sky... If only I had a clue or some help to find you!

Wrench: SQUAAAAWK!!!!

It was Wrench! Vincent flew to Wrench and then he letted out a smile.

Vincent: Wrench!! I thought I'd never see you again!!

Wrench: Caw! Caw! (Vincent!! I know where Sky is!!)

Vincent: Your trying to tell me where Sky is?

Wrench: Squawk! (Yes!! She's in the Sunken City!!)

Vincent: I'll take your cawing and squaking as a "Yes". Lead the way Wrench!

Then the two went into the Sunken City to find and save Sky!

Vincent and Wrench entered the Sunken City and it was abandoned and was wet all over the place. Wrench lead the way to Sky and it was Vincent's job to protect him while doing so. Vincent bashed rocks out of the way and he got into a room where it was very dark. Vincent created a spinning ball of Ki so he can see better and Muckmans and Muckgals jumped at him. Vincent used Big Bang Attack to kill them all and then they kept going forward and got to a room where red eyed spiders shot multiple Projectiles at him. He swiped them away and then crushed the spiders into smithereens before moving on. Then he got to a room where multiple Golems charged at Vincent. Then he broke them all into smithereens and then he moved forward and then got to a room where he needed to get wet a little bit. He dived into the water and then he was swimming in circles trying to find a way out. He emerged from the water and then he was at the next location. Wrench flew to Vincent and he continued to lead the way to Sky.

Wrench: Squawk!! (I can sense her! She's close!)

Vincent: I'm going to take that as a we're close!

Then Vincent bursted through a huge door and then they were ontop of a platform which had a perfect View of the Sunken City. Then he saw Sky tied up to a pillar!

Vincent: SKY!!

Wrench: SQUAAAAWK!! (SKY!)

Sky: *Crying* VINCENT!! WRENCH!!

Vincent tried to run to her but then he was stopped by someone by cutting the floor infront of him. It was the only member of the Saiyans of Destruction left. It was Ares.

Ares: Going directly for the girl? You should choose your actions more wisely.


Ares: You see. After your fight with Chris. I heard about many things about Ultra Ego that they won't SHUT UP ABOUT. They think it' power can match Ultra Instinct. They're wrong, ALL OF THEM ARE WRONG!! Ultra Ego is nothing but a lost cause! A Shame! WORTHLESS!! I saw Vegeta lose multiple times while in Ultra Ego. That's how useless it is! I'm right! I know I'm right!! My Theory is true!! So when I found out you came here. You would do anything to save your little girlfriend!! So now you fell into my trap and now I can finally put my Theory of Ultra Ego being useless to the test! After this fight. THE WORLD WILL KNOW THAT I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG!!!

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