Into The Coral Mine! The Stains of Time and Nature!

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After Plink's Rescue and the Defeat of Ayuna. Terran was looking for Vera and was looking all over the forest. He leaped from tree to tree and looked above the forest. But he found nothing. He searched everywhere in the forest from tree to mountain to every ounce of the Island, but no sight of Vera was to be seen. Then he started to call for her name in one more attempt to find her.


Terran screamed at the top of his lungs and he couldn't hear her voice. He sat down near a tree, curled up into a ball and then started to cry.

Terran: *Crying* I can't find her anywhere!!! It's my fault!! I didn't protect her!!! Master Blossom should be disappointed in me!! I'm just a guy who's scared of everything!!! Only a miracle can save her now!!!

Then Terran felt a flower on his head. He examined and a trail of flowers was infront of Terran. Vera left a trail! Terran's hope sparked up again and without hesitation, he followed the trail into the woods and to a giant hole of an abandoned mine. He was nervous but he shook off his fear and then he jumped down but he tripped down instead and he fell into the mine while screaming like a little girl and he went in to find Vera!

Terran landed face flat on the ground of a conveyer belt and he got up and then looked around to see where he was at. Then he fell off the conveyer belt and then screamed like a little girl and then he landed on some stuff on the way down and injured his body parts.

Terran: ARM! LEG! KNEE! STOMACH! RIB! *Lands on his Coconuts* KIWIS!!!! * Crying in pain*

Terran used Blooming Life to heal himself and then he got up and started to walk forward. He got into a room where a bunch of pots were there and he tip toed by carefully not to break them and then he got on a platform where it was about to break. He quickly jumped to the next platform and entered a room where a Golem was waiting for him. The Golem spitted out rocks at Terran and then he ducked to avoid him. He charged at the Golem while his eyes were closed and screaming like a little girl and he used his Refresh Magic to create vines to use as whips and he started to lash out. He stopped screaming and took a couple of breathes to calm down.

Terran: *Opens his eyes* Did I get it?

The Golem was standing next to Terran and he was annoyed. Turns out Terran didn't hit a damn thing. The Golem kicked Terran in his Coconuts and he screamed in absolute pain and then he accidentally used his Refresh Magic to create thorns and pierced through the Golems head and it died. Terran was laying on the floor while healing his Coconuts and then he got up and walked forward into the next room. He saw a bunch of Crystal Crabs that were scuttling towards him and then he stomped on them and they died and then dropped Gems. He just walked past them like he didn't even care about money and then saw a chain. He pulled it down and then he forged a Key. He grabbed it and then saw a locked door. He ran over there and then he tripped and broke the Key on accident. Then he went to go cry in the corner for 1 minute then he went up to the Keyhole and then used his Refresh Magic to create branches to pick the lock and it opened and he went in.

Then he encountered Metal Slags and then shot projectiles at Terran and he quickly avoided them then he went to push them into the hot boiling platforms and then he used them as platforms to get across the room and then he picked the lock of another door and he went in. Then he was in an Arena where he needed to fight Two Golems. Terran panicked and then used the vines he created to pull the roof down and then crashed into the door and broke in and then the roof collapsed and killed the Golems. Then he was in a room where there were spikes on the floor and platforms that were about to crack. He made a mad dash to get across before it was too late and then he bursted through the doorway and he looked around and then he saw a factory of some kind. There was a doorway that was covered in wires and then he ripped them off before he entered. Then a mech appeared and he looked closer and a girl inside it scared him and made him fall down. She got out of her mech and it was the Coral Siren!

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