Ignite The Undying Flame! Helios Awakens the Flame Within!

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Helios was lying on the floor of the Genie Realm and then he woke up and looked around. He called out to his team members but he didn't find a single person. He walked forward into the hallway and then entered a room. He still did not find nothing. Then he walked into a huge room which looked like an Arena of magic and then Million showed up along with an Enslaved Harmony and Quake Guardian Genie.

SSJG AFO Million: So your still alive? I was expecting more from this realm.

Helios: HARMONY!!!

Harmony: I'm sorry Helios! *Crying* I can't control myself! Helios! I'm scared!

Quake Guardian Genie: LET US GO!!!


SSJG AFO Million: Pitiful. It's not even the effort to crush you myself. I need to save up all of my power to create a new world. But THIS WILL KILL YOU! HARMONY AND QUAKE GUARDIAN GENIE! I WISH FOR YOU TO CREATE A BEAST THAT'S MORE POWERFUL THAN HIM!!!!

Harmony and Quake Guardian Genie: Yes... Master!!!

Helios: NOOO!!!!

Harmony and the Quake Guardian Genie screamed in pain while black lightning was striking them. They were forced to create a terrible beast of out the darkness of their own magic. Then the beast roared and then bursted out of the black orb of Quake Magic and it gave a death glare at Helios.

Harmony and the Quake Guardian Genie collapsed into the ground and then they were heavily breathing in exhaustion and then they were chained up to the wall and Million explained it

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Harmony and the Quake Guardian Genie collapsed into the ground and then they were heavily breathing in exhaustion and then they were chained up to the wall and Million explained it.

SSJG AFO Million: This here is the Scrouge of their Quake Magic. I call it Quake Blight. All I need to do is to release it and it will stop at nothing to kill you. It serves me! And only me! Allow me to demonstrate. Creature! KILL HIM!!

Quake Blight: *Distorted Roaring*

Million laughed as he dissappeared and took his leave and Helios was beyond angry.


Harmony: You have... To destroy... That creature....


Quake Guardian Genie: There is... No other way... We'll be alright... Just destroy that thing!!

Helios had tears in his eyes and then he turned to Quake Blight and then got into a fighting stance and then Creature roared in distortion and then fight began.

Helios: I'm sorry Harmony... I'm sorry Quake Guardian Genie... *Crying* Please forgive me for doing this!!!

Quake Blight roared and charged at Helios and he slammed his sword down and then flames bursted out of the ground and Helios barely managed to dodge it and then he leaped back and then charged at the Quake Blight and transformed into Super Saiyan Quake and dealt his strongest attacks to end this quickly.

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