Chapter 45

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Thank you for sticking with this book even if it doesn't sound perfect. I appreciate you all.
Dedicated to VanessaAnfu and iam_queengee


I badly needed some coffee in my system although I was banned from it by the doctor but my sweet sister Camy was kind enough to sneak up one to me as Xavier walks out of the room after receiving a phone call which Camy and I are sure it's his girlfriend due to his sudden reaction and we are trying to hack into his phone to find out who's that unfortunate girl.
Yepp. Unfortunate.
I'm left alone currently waiting for Camy to appear with my coffee ASAP before Xavier walks in or our plan will fail and I'll loose my longing coffee.
The door knob turns and I was about to sigh in relief that my coffee is in but instead, two male nurses appeared.
The face masks didn't allow me to see their face but I was confused because Even the doctor doesn't wear face mask when coming to my room any longer.
A click at the door pulled a frown from my face as the door was locked.
What the-
"Wrong room. I've already been operated on" I say thinking they must have lost their way
"You think so??" A voice says and I my jaw nearly fell.
Aren't they supposed to be on their way to the island.
"Ahh- I get it. You think we'll be on our way to the island in search of whoever destroyed Zenom when we know the mastermind is right here?" He laughs and they begin to remove their mask.
I removed my oxygen and began to scream but he covered my mouth but that didn't stop me. I bit his palm but didn't continue to scream.
It was Crucifero and the Pakistan man. The Pakistan Don broke the omerta and his punishment is to be mutilated and sold to another Mafia. That's more than death.
"I'm in a sick bed. How sure are you I'm the one behind zenom's fall?" I asked trying to  sound innocent.
"No one else wants my downfall like you" Crucifero spits.
"Do you know how much it cost to produce even one Zenom?" The Pakistan Don asked moving towards me and before I knew he slapped me.
"You son of a bi-" he slapped me again but it didn't stop me from what I was going to say.
I looked at the door to see if anyone was coming but no one. They are the reason why I'm in this situation and they are here to rip my life off. No way.
"See the window?" Crucifero points. "We'll kill you and just escape through it" he grins and I almost puke at his yellow teeth.
"You think you can kill me. Me, Kiana Martinez Waters. The daughter and heiress of the Italian Mafia and the wife of the American Don. Even if I'm sick and weak you won't kill me. And killing you today will just prove my worthiness of the throne and just give me more title in the underworld"
They just laughed at me.
Honestly every part of me was throbbing with pain but with endurance I tore of every damn thing connected to my body and flew of the bed as Crucifero stabbed the knife into the sheets.
And we both grin.

"Oh dear niece"
"Oh dear uncle" I seethe.
He came to me with the knife and I immediately kick him in his crotch. He bends to acknowledge the pain and I take possession of the knife.
"Sh!t" he curses.
From no where the Pakistan man used his elbow to hit my neck. The knife dropped and he now had it.
I cursed hard under my breath and even screamed when he slashed my arm with the knife.
Crucifero seems to have recovered from my brutal kick and the both started to head towards me at the same time but not before I saw a shadow of a short person at the door. It was Camy she tried opening the door but only the knob moves. I'm sure she would have screamed my name but the doors I learnt were sound proof.
I watch as they both nod at each other and I'm sure their running out of time.
My body hurts as heck but as they move from opposite sides to attack me I stayed rooted like I was confused but when they got closer I moved from the middle, jumped onto the bed and ripped the bedsheets of and I watch as their heads hit each other and I laughed.
As much as I wanted the two of them in a cage and tortured for weeks to beg for death , I can't because at this moment it's kill or get killed.
I just don't know how they were able to fool us like that but I just have to deal with them for now.
The Pakistan Don lunged for me but I immediately swang the bed sheet, wrapped it around his neck, and his arms messily to buy me time to deal with Crucifero. His neck hit the floor hard as he tries to free himself but I think he'll just make it worse. I take the pillow and Crucifero slashes it in attempt to slash me. The foam in the pillow began to spill out but when I got closer, I jumped into him with the pillow right into his face to prevent his breathing but not before seeing another shadow at the door forcing the door open which I guess it's Xavier, before it disappeared sure for help.
Crucifero was kicking beneath me but I pressed the pillow into his nose – no oxygen for him. His grip on the knife loosened beside him and I grabbed it.
With a sudden force, he flips us over making me drop the knife as I'm now beneath him.
He graps the knife and holds it to my throat.
"A female can never be a heir to anything. Useless trash" he says in our language and presses the knife into my already hurt abdomen.
The knife slashes my skin and enters into me.
I screamed as my life flashes before my eyes.
The pain was unbearable and I nearly shut my eyes. As he raised the knife to stab me again I spit in his eyes.
It bought me time and I immediately pulled the hospital table above me and let it fall on his head as I move from there.
I'd rather die trying than to die doing nothing.
He tried to get away with the heavy table on his neck but even at the edge of death I was so fast and determine.
We'll rather die together than me alone dying so they'll be no one to turn earth into hell.
I kneeled by him with a knife as I was covered in my own blood. My white hospital gown that I hated so much is now red. Nice.
And the clean shiny floor had blood all over.
Anyone may faint on seeing this bloody scene.
But I made it more bloody.
"Tell the devil I said hi" with that I immediately stab his neck with the knife.
With pure anger at everything he has done and caused me, I kept on stabbing his neck as I scream everything out till it looked like his head was going to be detached from his head.
I closed my eyes but didn't know why I began to cry.
His blood was all over me but I stand up to end the betrayer whose eyes were now filled with jittery due to what he witnessed.
I was going to end him to.
I kneeled down by him and he began to cry.
I was feeling dizzy but I have to do this.
The life in me was slowly draining but I will do this.
I stabbed his left eye and he screams as I smile. I cut his right ear but not fully just to torment and cause more pain.
I was so slow.
I stabbed both his feet so he won't be able to escape till someone comes in here.
"I can rip every part of you now and still let you be alive because we know knives are my favorite" he whimpers and pleads and I smile so lazily as I tried so hard not to go unconscious. I was holding on to life.
My abdomen was sewn few weeks ago and now it's been cut open again when the wounds have not fully healed.

They were here to kill me but look who got killed and who's pleading instead.
They walked right into the arms of death and even if they didn't want to embrace it they had to embrace it.
"But do you know who can rip your soul rather than your body and still let you live?"
He shakes his head as he shivers as if he was lying in snow.
"I sell you to the Mexican Don"   
He screams no and begins to plead but I don't listen to pleads.
I carve the 's' symbol which stands for slave and sold slowly onto his arm as he cries like a baby.
With that I let my eyes shut as I  fall to the ground.... unconscious.
Unaware if I'll wake up.

It has been achieved.

The battle has finally ended.
I don't know if you like it but please let me know your thoughts in the comments.


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