Chapter 11

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Heard of 'The Generals Daughter'movie?
What's up people ?



"That was great " I repeated when we reached home.

"You love it ?" Van asked whiles brushing his hands on his motorcycle.

"Yhup" I said drawing my lips into a thin line and tried putting my forearm on Max's shoulders effortlessly.

He just stood there as if I just didn't touch him.

"Someone is jealous " Van said in a quirky tone with a huge smirk.

Everything alright with him?

"Jealous ?" I questioned and kept my forearms down from Max shoulder and folded them in front of me.
Honestly, my arms were hurting up there.

"Don't worry, he thinks you will love Hunter more than Panther " He said and parted Max shoulders leading the way inside .
Who is Hunter?
Who is Panther?
Is there a panther here ?

"Stop being childish" Max says chuckling.
"We all know she will love Panther more " he said with some kind of bravery and grinned.

And by now we were all seated on the couch in the hall.
"Who the heck is hunter and panther ?" I asked wanting them to feed my curiosity.
"Hunter is what you had your best day with today " he said.
Best day?
Does he even know my best day?
My best days were with my family.


"It not my best day " I said already
changing my mood. I miss home.
Max turned to look at me with a blank expression.

"Hunter is just the name of the motorcycle and you'll meet Panther soon" he said with a blank expression but grinned lazily when he said the last part.
He stood up to leave and Van also strolled behind him.

Couldn't he even tell me that he'll have to go now or something.

I rolled my eyes at the thought and made my way to the kitchen.

The aroma of the food hit me immediately I stepped in the kitchen.

"Mmm..." I sniffed it in remembering my mom's food.

Mom's food was the best.

Lucile was there as usual with some other redheaded maid .

She's always here.

I smelt lasagna.

"Hello "  She said with a big smile.

"Hi, Hope you doing good ?" I jumped on the counter in the middle of the huge kitchen.

"Can you get me some pineapple juice" it wasn't a question , it was a command. I gestured to the redheaded girl.

"Yes please " she replied and made her way to the huge 5 star rated refrigerator in the corner of the kitchen.

"I'm fine, hope you are too ?" Lucile answered my question and asked.

"I'm good. Just exhausted."

"I can get a massage arranged for you" she suggested.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine "

Ha. I indeed need a massage.

I nodded my head slightly taking the juice from her when she brought it.

I took it and had a great gulp of it.

"Mmm..." It tasted good and I enjoyed the cold liquid against my lips and loved how it felt when it ran down my throat.
It smelt like pineapple too making me want more.
Of course,it pineapple juice. What did I expect.

Everything made me remember home.
I miss all of them so much.
It been 3 months since I haven't set eyes on them.

I gulped the rest of the juice and held the glass tightly remembering all the happy moment we shared.
We never had a dull moment together.

On Xavier's 17 birthday, we decided to wish him happy birthday in bed first.
I remember pretty well that I had a huge cake for him.
After he ate a piece of the cake, I dug my hands inside it and rub my hands of cake in his face.
"Hey " He called out realizing what I've don't whiles wiping the cake of his face.
He also dug his fingers in the cake.
The cake was now out of shape.
I immediately run and hid behind mom.In his attempt to rub the cake on my face he tripped and rubbed it on Cami's face.
"Jeez " She said with a 'you brought yourself ' look.
She also kept her hands in the cake and rubbed it on Xavier's face.
"Shit " he said.
Unknowingly I had rubbed the cake on my fingers around mum's neck.


Mum slapped my face with cake.


I and Xavier looked at each other and we knew what to do.
We smirked and before Dad realized he had cake all over his face.
"Fuck " he cursed and finally kept his phone away.
I saw Cami grin and before we realized it the birthday boy was bathing with cake.
"What a nice way to bath on your birthday" I teased.
I got slapped with a cake again.
And we all laughed.
We all started chasing each other and that morning turned into something else.
For, once in a blue moon dad joined us but it didn't last long when he had to return to work meaning I and Rin were back to business.
So we one day decided to hid all of his gadget and locked his office.
He was always working so we decided to hide it so he'll have time for us.
It worked and that day we spent the whole day with him.
He was being grumpy at first.
He was very mad and angry at us but as stubborn as we were , we still didn't give in to his threatings.
He them accepted defeat. That day for the first time in a long we watched a movie together and went to the mall.
No one worked that day.
That man hate movies but we made him watch it.
We watched 'men in black ' that day and from his expression I think he liked it.
I remember th- "Hello"
A voice startled me.
I came back to reality.

I saw Lucil standing in front of me snapping her fingers right in my face.
"What's wrong ?" She asked with a worry written all over her face.

"I'm fine" I shrugged and jumped of the counter.
"You were smiling whiles tears dropped from your eyes " she told me.
I touched my face and realized my eyes were teary too.
"Uhh...I'm fine " I repeated and made my way to exit the kitchen.

"Erm...dinner is ready" she said and scratched her nose.

"I'll change and get back here . And in case I'm not here in time save mine for me." I told her and added the last part immediately.

I didn't feel hungry.I just felt exhausted.

"Hello there angel" I am greeted by a grinning Max on my bed when I came out of the bathroom with only a white towel wrapped around my body which also ends high above my knee due to my height.

"What?" He asks innocently.
"How can I help you? " I hopped on the chair in front of the dressing mirror and continued to dry my hair.
"Don't you want the massage again?"
His voice was in a teasing tone as he walks towards me.
For a reason, I tensed when his palms held my shoulders.
He pressed them softly and I relaxed in the chair.
"I thought you were dreading this ?"
I asked holding my half wet hair into a bun and curling it around so he massages me well.

"I never said that "

This feels good.
For a moment I think he has some magic in his fingers.
How soft and firm they are on my shoulders.

"Am I going to only massage your shoulders?" He asked.
And I sensed something behind the voice .
I smirked.
He wants me to lie on the bed so he'll do his thing.
I was silent .

After sometime of him massaging my shoulders I stood up.
As much as I want his fingers all over me I won't allow it.
Everything just reminds me of how he took my virginity.
Like I know. It was my request.
But bro, I'm trying hard not to think that far.
That's why I need his fingers of me.
As if I don't want it

"I requested for this. I know. But I think I'm fine. No thank you" I said holding a breath.

"Thank God" he sighed and before I realized he's out of my room.
"What the..."

~ Jackie

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