Chapter 42

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So urm... that's my new book up there.  Goddess of war. Only on Wattpad
Thank you.


I take a look at the box and everyone waits to see what lies at it bottom. What if it's bomb and it explodes?
Max burns down to pull out a knife from his boots and hands it to me realizing that's what I need.
They tried to talk me out of it and rest or get discharged before opening it but I refused.
It's been like three days since that miracle happened to me.
According the doctor they've never seen such thing before and still don't understand what happened to me but I give thanks to God.
I think life loves me.
Gently I used the knife to unseal the box and I do open it.
A kind of huge big black box was delivered today at the hospital and it was strictly ordered to be given to me.
The source is unknown.
My eyes burn with curiosity.
With a shaky hand as I lift the lid of the box.
Slowly I realized what was in it and I screamed.
They killed her.
I removed the head from the box it stared into it lifeless eye.
They beheaded her.
Max hugs me as I sob as he comforts me.
I let out another scream and for a reason the black spot filled my head again allowing darkness to swallow me.



"You've kept this game going on for so long" my brother scolded me.
"I know" I grumbled.
He orders for his laptop and began checking in on everything. I didn't bother to check with him as I had a lot on my mind.

Xavier walks in a few minutes later telling us about Kiana's tablet weird behavior.
"I think it's a notification or something" I say as I scan it.
"Do you know the password?" He asks.
I shake my head.
"Let me see..." Sergio says.
"You can't hack into it with your laptop. This tablet is abnormal and only knows the owner" I warned him.
I know what I'm talking about.
I tried ones and I got caught.
"What's special about it though?"
"This tablet is connected to several of the Russian systems and Russian phones who has been hacked. So it shows all plans of the Russians only if the hacked people are aware of the plan and try communicating"

"Okay. We need this to take our next plan" he now sounds very interested.
I just rolled my eyes.
"Right. She's awake though." Xavier informs.
"So why did you come here with it?" I ask not understanding how he thinks.
"Didn't want to worry her" he answers and I agree.
"Let's go to her then" Sergio says standing up.
I tried to prevent him because I think Kiana needs rest.
It's been approximately 3 hours since she passed out after seeing her mother's head.
But the Sergio I know never listens to anyone.


"Hi" Sergio greets as we enter into her room.
Her dad was there with Camy and she stared at the wall.
I miss her fiery side already.
She now looks like a shell of her self.
"We meet again" Kiana says paying attention to him.
He nods.
"And this time it's to come together for revenge"
Sergio says stating his intentions right there. No hesitation.
He knows who he's dealing with.
"What happened after at the ware house?" She diverts her question to me.
"Well...long story short, we found the dead body of Mr. Montisinos after Van got the place into ashes but Crucifero's body was not found which means he may have survived" I briefed her.
We are currently searching for Crucifero. I believe he escaped.
She didn't say anything.
She looked at her tablet in Sergio's hand and stretched her right hand for it. Sergio gave it to her.
She proceeds to open it but not before saying "Max you need to do a check on your men. Your second driver was the one who took me to them" she informs me and I nod but not without receiving a hard look from Sergio.
I'm sure dead for this carelessness.
Letting intruders in and letting them accomplish their tasks was one thing he hated.
"The Russians no longer have that mark on their neck again. They figured we found out so everyone has to be alert in their territory" she adds.
Opening the tablet, she cursed.
"If I had used this tablet earlier I would have known they were after me" she says undertone but we all heard it.
But before anyone could go closer to understand what she meant she held her hands up telling us to stop.
She orders for a laptop and I think she did further hacking before she informs us what she discovered after making us suffer much curiosity.

" Mmm...The Russians have collaborated with the Pakistan scientist to make this drug. We all know that, when it comes to science the Pakistan's top. This drug makes one loose his morals when he takes it in and it increases the strength of the person 5 times. It hasn't yet been released yet but they are planning on selling it to the government first at higher prices. Secondly, there's 80% Chance that they are going to make their men use it and send them to come down on us. Not only us but other Mafia's so they'll will be the strongest standing Mafia in the world. Crucifero is going to target us with this drug to get what he wants." She explains.
Sergio nods and we all turn to the door as Van walks in.
I'm yet to ask him what happened to him.
She continues.
" To be able to distribute this drug they will need a centre which will be the second supply after the first one" Xavier reasons.
"Exactly"Kiana agrees.
"Right now, they are done making the first badge if my tablet is right. The substances used to produce these drugs are so expensive that they are now waiting for the sale of the ones made to make new ones. This means if we are able to locate the centre where the drugs will be transferred and get to destroy the drugs then that's the end of their drug" We all nod in agreement.
"But how sure are we they will ship the drugs to one centre but not many centers?" Sergio also reasons.
" We need a hacker who can hack into their system leaving no trace" Kiana says.
Sergio looks at me and nods.
I go straight to work.
Kiana looks a little surprise as I take the laptop from her and proceed.
" Yeah baby, say hello to the world's best hacker" I say and she chuckles.
Hacking into the Pakistan's pharmaceutical system was not difficult. All I had to do was get access to their darker web. We had some informations from the Pakistans when they used to be with us so just entering his phone number just got me access to everything. Even his messages on the phone.
"There are 2,000,500 of these drugs which have been named 'Zenom' . I guess they just removed the 'v' from the word venom and replaced it with 'z'. From what I have, Zenom will be shipped to Norway at the the Pakistan's top pharmaceutical centre as an exclusive. A program will be held in on one of Norway's unpopular city and most corrupt government officials will be present. The sale of Zenom to the highest bidder is the beginning of it's reign.
Zenom is a drug filled with substances that highly increases brain activity. It shuts down the left side of the brain and makes one feel stronger. This drug is believed to be stronger than cocaine, indian hemp and marijuana combined together. Other strong chemicals have been added to prevent death. One dose of zenom keeps one high, strong and active for 24hours straight.
If the person is lucky he may be okay after 5 hours and if not, may go mad or suffer other help implications. But the drug has been rated 0%death meaning it ensures survival of all victims and it also 100% addictive. A person who goes mad because of zenom will need to be on Zenom every time to keep the person sane. The black market is also looking forward to this drug, Zenom" I raise my head as I end my extracted relevant information.
"And I'm afraid Zenom is already being used because I can swear Crucifero and Montisinos men were on it."
I went ahead to describe what happened at the warehouse and for a moment I think I saw fear in everyone's eyes.
Van also described the men strangeness to them. I'm surprised we're still alive though.
Imagine millions of such people after us and every other person.
They're also going to sell this drug to get the mere citizens and the world out there is going to be total chaos.
Why are they so selfish because of money?
"Van, you are to head to Norway now. It's not possible to get the whole drug and we surely don't need it. Just destroy it" Sergio commands.
"Bomb" Van gets up and whispers with a grin and wink doing a weird hand gesture that goes with bomb.
"See y'all later" he waves as he leaves to accomplish his mission.
"Wait-" I call back.
"What happened to you? What got you injured?" I ask raising and eyebrow.
He just grins and says "she's worth it"
I got confused but wait what?!!

This idiot has fallen for a girll??


Who do you think Van has fallen for?

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