Chapter 22

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Heyya dearies, Sorry for my unannounced absence these few weeks getting to a month or so.
But I'm now back.


Everything was planned out.
We will be giving Camy her pre-birthday gift today.
Rin,Xavier,Max and I.
Rin and I will take Camy out in order to allow Xavier start the plan.
I called Max and told him and he promised to buy some stuffs on the way .
I have no idea where dad is and I've called mum several times but it doesn't go through.
I'm sure she's busy with work considering how she wants everything at the workplace to be perfect.
And as for dad- if not for the mafia, then what else.
"I'll be back. I'm just so happy!" Camy says when I told her to get ready cause we are going to the mall and spend some time together.
She started hopping and made her way to her room.
We are really going to have fun.
I'm planning on dying my hair back to black and have my manicure done.

I descended the stairs to go and join Rin on the coach but I met her with two other people.
Dad and Max.
There was a laptop on the center table and Rin and dad had their eyes glued to it and Max moved forth and back with a phone on his ear.
He would also take a glance at the screen every now and then.
What is going on?
Are they watching porn or watching one of the Kardashians get a new butt?

"What going on here?" I asked after the last step and walked towards the laptop as well.
No one answered.
I could feel worry and anger in the atmosphere.
Max had his fist on as he spoke in his thick accent to whoever was on the phone.
He was kinda of quite though cause he only spoke few words and it seemed whoever was on the other end was giving him some information.
But neither the less, anyone could see how angry,worried and frustrated he was.
I cocked an eyebrow when my eyes made contact with the screen.
It looked like a map and there were red spot which occasionally blinked at some places.
I gasped.
"Bo-m-bo-mb-s" I stuttered.
I fumbled with my words.
There were 6 red spots blinking indicating that the bombs were placed at six places.
Has the hatred between these two really gone far.
This obviously the work of the Russians.
We can fight among ourselves.
We can kill ourselves.
But not other people.
Not innocent ones.
The Russians have taken this too far.
Do they have the idea of the number of people who will die? The number of people who will turn orphans? The number of people who will turn widows and widowers?And the number of people who can go crazy because they lost a love one.
The pain they will go through.
Why innocent ones?
Why thou who knows nothing of this world.

I flinched when I heard a sound.
It was Max.
He kicked one of the coach's so hard that I'm sure his leg is broken although it didn't seem like it.
Looking on the screen I realized two of the red has stopped blinking.
This could either mean two things.
My question was answered by Max's behaviour.
Two bombs had exploded.
"Shit" dad and Rin muttered at the same time.
"Backup" dad says and nods to Max.
Max nods back and I felt my spirit drop when I looked at his face.
Something I've never seen before.
He was hurt but angry too.
For someone like him...
I almost chuckled but I freezed when I saw another red spot go off.
I peeked at Max and saw his features relax giving me my answer.
This one has actually been turned off but not exploded.
Two more went off but my breath got caught in my throat.
Dad returned from his phone call and smiled when he saw the screen.
I immediately knew that these two had gone off but not exploded.
But there was still one.
No one exchanged words but we all knew what was on each others mind.
We all knew how we felt.
My lips drew into a thin line when I saw that it was the state(US) that was being destroyed.
Max's Territory.
"It has three minute more!" Rin says and I could feel her anxiousness.
"Where are you now?" Max asked the one at the end of the line.
He asked with full authority.
Max turned to look at my dad.
My dad did some stuffs on the screen before saying "Dumbarton Oaks".
I'm not a computer person so I shouldn't be surprise if others are and are able to tell the location of places through it.
"The entrance of the main Hall" dad added.
And I felt proud of him.
He was trying to save other lives.
This is the dad I know.
Not the one who forces the daughter into marriage without any valid reason.
"Two minutes and Two seconds more." Rin warned.
Bro seconds really matter.
I kinda didn't have faith in this one.
I knew it was going to explode.
"You are at that exact location. Find it!" He exclaimed. He was out of patience.
Does he really think this was going to be disconnected?
"1 minute more!" Rin says in a shaky voice.
I closed my eyes.
"It the yellow wire! Cut that one. The blue is next.Don't touch the red till then" Max says and my eyes opens.
The person found it?
"30 seconds"
"Don't you always keep a knife!"
he roared to who ever was at the other side of the phone and I saw the vein in his neck .
I watch the screen as the red fade away. The last one.

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