Chapter 17

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Another one for you.



"Aaahhhh" My siblings screamed when they saw me.
They were overwhelmed.
My mum hugged me tightly squeezing the day light out of me.
She gave my cheeks a squeeze and I was wondering if she thinks I'm still a kid.
Looking at her in her knee length red dress and now brown hair made all my anger vanish into thin air.
The anger I got rid of long long ago though.

Looking around I realized that the people have changed but the surrounding was the same.
Beautiful, elegant, classy...

My mum's long black hair is now brown.
Rin's long blonde hair is now short and is at neck level exposing her three star tattoo at her neck. She wore a blue jeans with a white t-shirt which had 'hello' written in front of it.
Camy has grown taller with longer hair.I don't know if it because I've been away but she looks sought of different.
Xavier looks the same but the guy got tattoos now. I could see it beneath the arm of his shirt. Impressive
A lot since I left huh?
My dad as usual stood a distance.
He was in his suit . My guess is he just came back from work.
He was happy. He smiled but he didn't dare to near me. He and Max shared some handshake and all I did is smile lightly and turned to see my siblings.
He changed my fate.
I want to be mad at him but I can't.
I won't deny that seeing him made me happy.
I know he's okay and fine although stress is written all over his face.
I think I need to resume work.
When he decided to marry me off I decided to stop working . I thought I could persuade him to change his mind but no.
I left. But I regret not involving myself into the business after marriage.
Not like I didn't want too ...
seriously I don't think I can explain this one.

At least, I could have taken Care of the restaurant and schools in Italy but I didn't.
I kinda of forgot though
I think the marriage thing consumed me a bit.
The only thing I don't regret doing is taking the tablet.
At least, I knew what was up.
I have to talk to him.

Rin was actually happy too but you could see she was nervous.
When I asked her she confessed she hasn't handled my room yet.
She wasn't expecting me now so I'll let her go .
Not like I can do anything to her by the way.
Speaking of room right now gives me a serious headache.
I'm gonna share the same room with Max.
I dread.
He smirked when my mum was like "Rin. Get the room ready for Kiana and Max "
I just don't know what's going to happen.
I've never shared a room with anyone before except Camy of course, who was afraid to be in her room alone at night when she was around 4 years.

So here we are.
I'm Italy, in my house and in the huge living room.
We are talking about random stuffs as Rin get some people to get my room ready.
Xavier is sitting by me whiles Camy is,on my lap.
Max sat somewhere else and I saw he,and my dad sharing glances.
Eye Conversation?
If it about me then I already know.
How is your wife?
Oh, she's a stubborn bad ass bitch.
Then I'll just throw a dagger at both of them.
As if I can
Okay, I can easily throw a dagger at them but these two are special.
Wait- did i say special?
Only my dad.
What about Max?
I don't know of Max yet.
He's my husband silly?
Maybe he's of sexual use to me...that's all.
"Why have you been rolling eyes ?"my mum interrupted.
"Oh-" I shook my head smiling a little at my thought."nothing"
"So who were those who messed my room up ?" I changed the topic before these people start questioning me.
"Everyone" Camy answered immediately.
She tells the truth so I trust her.
"Except me " every one immediately added.
"Don't mind them. They all go to your room and touch stuffs...they really miss you I think and I on the other hand use your bed as a trampoline and sleep on it all afternoon due it softness and hugeness" by now Camy was standing next to Max.
She had to.
I was surely going to knock her for that and she sure also couldn't run to mum , dad or Xavier.
I mean she just exposed them , they'll surely knock her too when she runs to them.
So her only friend now may be Max.
"Come here" Max smiled sweetly bringing Camy to her laps.
I couldn't tell if his smile was genuine or fake.
is it?
"Don't mind them. It's a free world." He whispered loud enough for all of us to hear. He said something into her ear again and this time we didn't hear.
Both of them giggled.
Is this Maxmilliano?
Someone wake me up from my dream.
Mum and Xavier chuckled whiles dad looked at Max in the same way I was.
I guess he knows Max well too that he finds it amusing.
I find it weird!
"Get this out of the room " we heard Rin shout to... whoever.
"Everything okay?" Mum asked getting up to help upstairs.

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