Chapter 33

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So no one is minding me in the comments 😭💔😔

Third Person P.O.V

At least she thought there was hope.
At least...
She cried silently from dusk to dawn.
The day she feared the most arrived and she could do nothing about it.
She had no idea where she was neither does she know where she was going.
"Who am I?" She asks herself.
She belives she is a princess who deserves the world and more.
She knew she was meant to be strong and take over a legacy.
Yet, here she is helpless.
She is pulled like every other child in the warehouse out of the door she feared most by some man she has grown hatred for deeply since the day she stepped there.
He has been maltreating the children most and taking them out of that dreaded door.
Today she was the one.
She is thrown into the back seat of the car and she doesn't know if that is how all children taken away from the warehouse are treated.
The air condition is on in the car making her shiver as she has become very skinny.
She kinda miss outside as the warehouse was stuffed with too much kids hence heat.
And here she is, gaining her deprived privilege back but then she shivers from it.
And yet, all in silence.
She uses the opportunity to take a glance at her self.
She doesn't know how long she's been here but her looks really tells her it been that long.
Her hair was all tangled up like a nest and she looks older than before...although she is too young to go through what she is going through now.
She's trying to be brave like the brave girl she was born to be but for a reason she just can't.
Her mind has been manipulated with fear- with what she has being seeing for the past months.
No food, screams, pains, tears and a whole lot more surrounds her.
That is how cruel the world can be.
It is not fair.
Life is not balance.
As each day passes she will think about each and everyone. Her mum , her dad, brother and sister.
She can testify that they can be annoying sometimes but she still loves them.
She just wishes that she can go back in time and change everything.
She should never had gone to the washroom alone.
That same man appeared again and began to drive the car without saying a word to Camy.
The only thing he did was smirk and Camy just wanted to punch it away.
For the first time her urge to kill someone was stronger than ever.
She has never felt like this before but she felt like stabbing the stupid man with a knife.
If she got the chance, she would stab him continously till she felt tired.
He is cruel and wicked and she just wants to end his existence.
He pulled over at a place which looks like a shop .
For a reason she thought that was their destination till he got down and headed to the shop alone.
Few minutes later, he returned with a bag of something. He removed some chips from it and began to eat whiles continuing to drive.
He didn't even bother to offer her some but she was already planning on saying 'no' in case he offered.
But he never did.
She couldn't deny that she was starving too...It has been two days she ate something and like he could read her mind he chewed the chips more noisely and opened a bottle of beverage from the rubber bag and began to drink.
It was like he was tormenting her or something but her bride was also too big.
She folded herself unto the seat and wrapped her skinny arms around her as she was now very cold.
She closed her eyes and tried forcing herself to sleep.
Yeah, sleep can be peace but sometimes torture...real torture.
Sleep without wake is a different thing on it own. There's this sleep that even when your eyes are closed and your body is at rest, the mind won't. It fully working with the torture and pain manipulating it and taking over- it nerve racking.

And she's yet to grow through that.

She flinched when her leg was pulled harshly. She was dragged from the car to the ground.
"Bitch" she hissed.
"What did you say?" He looked angry.
He raised his hands ready to slap her.
Camy wanted to run but she only closed her eyes ready for the sting on her cheeks.
"Chill bruh-" a voice say making both turn.
"Don't tell me you've already started the torture."the other man says rubbing his shoulders.
Camy kinda fell grateful for his intervention but she knew better.
The words he said after made her heart begin to beat faster.
She now took a look at her surrounding and realized they were in a deserted inn sought of.
She silently prayed.
The man she came with seems to have calmed down and the other one aporoached her.
He was sought of short with blonde hair and also handsome.
He looked familiar to her but Camy just couldn't remember where she has seen him.
Somewhere...she thought but it still didn't click.
"Since you have an ego like your sister" he says.
'Oh so he knows my sister. Why mess around then ' she thought.
If this man knew who Kiana was then he knows he's in for a death wish because if she finds him he's better of dead.
"So you know who you are dealing with?" Camy asked, all fear leaving her for a reason.
The man nods.
'He looks familiar' her brain says again.
"Then why are you being stupid. If I'm found you are dead. You know that." Camy spoke before she could think.
The man she came with was about to jump on her but the blonde man held him.
The blonde guy himself had his fist clenched tightly suppressing his own anger.
"You think your sister is smart huh?" He starts.
"The blind truth is, she's stupid." He spits.
Camy was about to speak but she was cut off before she could open her mouth.
"I'll make sure she watches your torture...she'll pay for everything she has done to me and I'll watch with pure bliss"
He adds removing a handkerchief from his pocket.
Before she could know what was up it was already too late.
The last words she heard were " You'll join her soon. Bitches."

Her last prayers were " Darkness, please swallow me for eternity".


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