Chapter 25

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Broken heart is not only experienced in love relationships or dating.
Broken heart can be experienced in every aspect of our lives.
It can be experienced in people you trust or ones trusted ,in family relationships, friendships and even life it self can break our heart by providing us with unfavorable conditions and at times mean or no choices.
But the ones that hurt more are love and life.
When these two break your heart it is very painful. Sometimes your heart feels like a broken glass and your mind tells you that broken glasses can never be put together again but thrown away because it is now useless.
But the truth is a sixth sense can take over.
Who ever can withstand a broken heart and be able to stand it and be able to feel like before is very strong.
The person uses the sixth sense without knowing it.
The sixth sense turns what the mind thinks it impossible to possible.
This is because the heart is still beating.
It still bumping blood through out the body and transporting materials and nutrients to other essential part of the body.
Everything is possible.
Yes . With the help of God everything is possible.

In my case, I just love my family.
And I cherish the life they have.
When some things happen to those people you just feel sad.
And when those who are left are suppose to stick with you to go through the obstacles turn their back to you and take decisions which does not favor you, that's when you feel heart broken.
When those you expect to be with you leave you for someone's else's actions that when you feel lonely.
And when your last hope can't even say a word to you to comfort you because of his or her position or fear that when you begin to go crazy.
You just don't know what the person is thinking.
You feel you are a mess.
I'm a mess.
Life is a mess.

You begin to accept defeat and grief without even realizing it.


I never believed in love except for the platonic and or family one.

"I wonder how a girl like you was born into a mafia. So loving, compassionate, stubborn and above all she's too good to be true. You are good at hiding your feelings from the world but no one knows how you feel at night alone about it. Except those who see you. You are brave, strong and smart. But do you know your problem? You love too much. Love is a poison. It is your weakest point. If you ever wanna die just love too much. Especially in our world. I'm not saying don't love anybody especially your family. Love them, but don't show it. You are desperate to prove your love for your family to our world and this is where your problem is. In this world of mafia you must learn to hide some of your feelings. It a way of protecting yourself and your love ones.
Ever since you gave your body to me just to come to Italy for Camy's birthday that when I knew how much you loved her. Your weakness. I thought of warning you about it... I thought of asking you why you introduce such a pretty innocent girl like her into our world. But, it was not my decision to take.
Too much of love in our world isn't healthy. It can only be if you hide it from our world- full of dangers and revenge.
You proving your love to our world is just a symbol that says ' I'm ready to fight '..And yes, you can fight but it won't be easy.
It will only take strong people who love themselves very much to win.
Always remember this before expressing your feelings even to your family.
Everyone and Anyone can betray."
His deep voice finally ended.

I raise my head up to see him leaning against the door frame with blood all over him.
That was a damn nice speech.
Shut up
I hate to admit he's right.
It's true.
We shouldn't have introduced Camy into our world.
I just looked him in the eye and he did the same.
It felt like forever but I liked what his eyes was telling me.
I don't know what they are telling me but I know...
I know, I'm a dummy

Why does he sound like someone speaking from experience.
Like he knows , so he prevented it from happening to someone or something.
I stood up and walked to him and he did the same.
We stood in the middle of the room with me looking up at him and he looking down at me.
Why is he so tall?
Not like I don't like it.

"Ever faced such a thing before? "I asked.
I almost cringed at the smell of someone's else's blood on him. I want his natural scent not the blood of someone who stupidly offended him.
Right now, he looks like a god from hell with his messy hair , blood stains and greek god like face.
He may be a beast but everyone has a flaw.
And for a reason, I see his flaw as a beauty.
Making him look perfect.

He nods.
"Not exactly faced but prevented."
He enlightens.
"Tell me about it" my voice came out as a whisper.
He pulls his hand out and take a strand of hair behind my ear. He places his hands on my cheek running it with his thumb.
I felt comfortable and closed my eyes.
"My sister" he says. I immediately opened my eyes wide.
Never in the history of the American Mafia have I heard that Maxmilliano Lucien Waters has a sister.
They hid her?
They hid her.
He nods again and smiles like he was remembering something.
I'm sure it the moment he spent with her.

"Amaya Waters. She's just lovely. My dad suggested we take her to a boarding school but I disagreed. He then explained everything to me like what I did before. I was kind of hesitant at first but since it for her protection, I agreed. And now I don't regret it. Because if she was with us I'm sure they would have done what they did to my brother to her." He enlightens me.
What did they do?
"Brother? How come other mafia's don't know about this." I ask astonished.
From infancy, I heard that the American Mafia had only a son. A strong heir.
"Because we don't want them to know and the few that know are in the ground"he replies and continued to stroke my cheek with his thumb but not without chuckling at his last statement.

I thought I hated him a few minutes ago...

Guess I never did.

I nodded as everything begun to sink in.

" Sometimes we have to do things for others even if it doesn't make us or them happy" I finalized and he nooded.
" It for their own good. Their own future"
His thumb moved to my lips and I looked into his eyes in return.
It felt intimate.

I could have saved Camy.
She's too young to know about our world.

"It morning we have to get going" he breaks the silence making me realize that I'm leaving Italy...My home.
He walks past me but turned back to me again.
" I promise, I'm doing this for your own good and safety." He tells me before heading to the bathroom.
The same words my dad said.

Wait - did I just stay awake for a whole night?


Wait -


Happy Birthday Camari Talia Martinez!



Do you think it was advisable for Kiana's family to introduce Camy to the Mafia or they should have hidden her from the Mafia world like Max's family did?

Teaser: Max will open up to Kiana. There will be a hot make out session in Max's private jet.😏

Don't forget to click on that star below.😉


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