Chapter 3

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Yep...I'm a Tatiana Manaiois Fan.✌
Here is another chapter for you.


I don't know if I should be impressed or not.
I'm the type that is not easily impressed but this girl seems to be getting to me easily.

I don't easily show it though.

After the information she gave me I found a few Russian spies in my mafia.
Damn. This risky.
I'm glad for the information.

The first time I saw her, I got attracted honestly.
She's beautiful and has the femme fetale.

Her long dark violet hair makes her so beautiful.

But me being force to marry her gives her another image in my eyes.  I just don't know why?

I have a girlfriend, well she named her self 'my girlfriend' and her being my wife doesn't mean I'm going to leave her.
I just like her all willing side to do anything for me.
I've even phoned Marcella to come home tonight so we can have some fun.

I've heard a lot about her.
One thing I know in particular is she doesn't stain her hands with blood but she manages to spill it.
I heard she does that with the help of this Japanese girl, Rin.
And I'm impressed on how she aimes her knife.
For a girl like her to aim a knife so perfectly, then she's very good.

When I used the word 'weak woman' on her I was expecting a reaction but I saw how she calmed herself down and ignored me.

"what kind of woman is this ?"



I've been spending my whole day throwing knives, triggering guns and playing with other dangerous weapons .

I never get tired of them but instead I go on breaks.

I decided to roam around again.
When I was roaming I heard some noise from a particular room.

Without a second thought I barged into the room .
Oh my....
I came out immediately and run to my room.

Should I be hurt, sad or happy.
I don't care.

He may be my husband according to law but not like I care about him.

I chuckled.

Max was busily making out with some blonde.
I then plugged in my head phone and begun listening to music.
I was listening to '5 seconds of summer' .
I shut my eyes and enjoyed the music.
Gosh. What a boring life I am now in.


Someone enters my room banging the door hard behind him.
"What the-"
I was cut off by a slap on my cheek.

How dare he ?

"What's wrong with you ?" He screamed .
The door behind him opened and I saw the Blondie in his shirt, leaning against the door frame with a smirk.

I said nothing but watch in astonishment as Max gave me a cold stare.
Boy, that stare made me want the ground to swallow me.

He pulled me from the bed and pinned me against the wall with hands to my neck.

I could hardly breath.
I can easily free my self but I just want him to hurt me.
It would be an excuse to return home.


"Don't ever enter into my room again" he commanded.

As if I Care...

But I still managed to roll my eyes .

He left me by throwing my head into the wall harder and banging the door.

I did see that witch of a blonde smile.

Fuck you too


I winced in pain realizing his last actions caused  severe pain than expected.

My head hurt.

I stayed in my room trying to ignore my head but it was all useless.

I went to the kitchen to see what I could get to relieve the pain.

I saw lucil there and told her I had headache .
She gave me some painkillers.

Thank you...

Lucil is just the oldest cook in the house and like a mother to me since I got here.
I figured out.


I woke up the next day with a serious headache.
I don't think the painkillers worked.

I need to go to the hospital .

Since when ?
I know...I don't go to hospitals but this marriage thing seems to be breaking records in my life.

I just feel like leaving this thing we call a mansion.....a beautiful mansion actually.

Without saying a word to anybody I left the house.

I regretted.

I had to walk a long way to the main gate first.
I mean the gate of the estate.

I then found myself walking straight ahead with trees on each side of the road.
Of course, I ignored his men who were probably everywhere.

Lucky me.

I then saw the main road where the were a lot of cars passing by.
It was a highway actually.

I don't think I can walk any longer.

My head is hurting, my feet hurts and I'm basically exhausted.

I sighed and placed my palms on my knees.

I waved my hands in order to get a taxi.
And lucky me, I got one.

I hopped into the passengers seat.

"Take me to the near by hospital" is all I said to the driver and he sped of.

I alighted at some hospital.

I paid the driver with money on my phone wallet and made my way to the entrance of the hospital.

If I was mistaken , I felt a pair of eyes on me.
Everytime I turned I saw no one but it felt like someone was following me.

Maybe I'm just scaring my self.
It's been long since I've been out in the mist of people like this so maybe I'm just being anxious.

I returned home with a bandaged head.
Yep! The side of my head was bleeding gently that I didn't notice.
Since when did I go blind?

The doctor was actually talking a lot and using some medical names and terms I'll obviously not care to remember.
He also gave me some pills.
I'll just take them.

And don't think I went through that same stress which I did when I was leaving the mansion.

I let the driver drive me to the main gate.
From there I ordered his men to get me here and they did so with a car.

Only if i knew .


The Blondie and Max were sitting at the dinning table when I arrived.

Dummies !

"What's up" I said annoyingly in a high pitch tone and sat by them.

I served myself and begun eating but instead I earned glances from them so I just chuckled and stood up from the table.
I went to the kitchen grabbed a juice and gulped all within a minute and left for my room and didn't think about those two Cagnas.


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