Chapter 29

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"Excuse me?!" The lady shouted at the man's offer with wide eyes.
A sense of negativity and disbelief flashed through her eyes.
" I can't do that" she says aggressively.
She's a single mother who works hard to earn a living and to take care of her only son... Her only hope for the future.
" You can't do that?!" The man questions her rejection. He burst into sudden laugher displaying his yellow teeth. He threw is head back and placed his hands on his waist.
The lady watched him from head to toe with disgust. His whole body was inked.
The man then smiled before smirking and mischievously circles the lady in front of her own house.
" Would you rather earn a 10,000 Grand plus your son or loose both?" He asks.
The woman then whimpers remembering they have his son.
Of course, if they didn't have his son she won't agree to meet with him in the first place.
It seems like realization hit her and she couldn't stand his presence anymore.
If only her shift ended early and she went to pick her son from school instead of making him walk back home.
But she wondered," That wasn't the first time my son walked back home from school, so why kidnap him now if they could long time. " She thought.
They needed something.
When she was told what they want, now she finds her self in complete dilemma.

Infront of her is a river. It shallow but full of crocodiles. Behind her is a cliff which it ending cannot be seen.
On her right is a thick forest, she imagined all savaged animals inside.
And finally on her right, stands the man.
The man with yellow teeth with money and a knife on her son's neck.
Now she has to choose one.
And that way, is the safest.
She thinks.
But she will have to sacrifice someone's else's property, someone's joy , to take that path.
She began to shake her head continuously like someone who's head was being drowned in water and got the opportunity to get out of it opponent grip in the water.
The man infront of him for a reason thought she was mad.
They have her son in their hands and she's not ready to do what they want.
" Why choose me? " She asks.
He grins evilly before answering "cause I think you deserve the money"
" You should be happy. I know you owe people.This money can pay all your dept with even more than enough remaining " he adds and tilts his head to examine her.
He could read her thoughts all through her expression.
The woman closed her eyes and lowers her head trying to contemplate something within her head.
"He's right. I badly need this money. 'The dats' told me if I don't pay them their money before the months ends, they'll use my body to get that money back. Twice of the money probably." She recalls.
'The dats' is a group of 3, two men and a female who gives out loans. They are really dangerous and there are rumors of them engaging in black magic but she really needed money to pay for her son's surgery so she had no option. It was a life and death matter.
" 20,000 grand for the job" the man clarifies.
Her eyes went wide open.
She shuts her eyes one more time and took a deep breath.

Her eyes flew open with a different adrenaline as a new idea lightened her mind like a candle stick.
Her breath evened out.

" I'll do it" She declares.



The way Max's father looked at him with Pride did not go unnoticed by me and I'm sure Max also saw it.
The room was quite as he speaks.
Filled with 6 most strongest Mafia Dons...
The Italian Don( Mon peré), The American Don ( my husband), The Jamaican Don, British Don, Greek Don and the Japan Don.
But today we'll be 7.
The reason we are all gathered here.
We were supposed to do this in Japan like where we do our other meetings but for a reason we are in a warehouse located somewhere in North Virginia. I'm yet to ask Max the reason.
A new Mafia Don is joining us and he must go through our initiation.
Must be loyal and honest to us...
Failure to do that leads to death.

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