Chapter 43

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Setting my eyes on you was the end of me.

VAN'S P.O.V      

I am a man who thinks before acting in crucial situations.
This was one.
Bringing an end to Zenom.
It looked like a simple mission when I was sent till I got here.
I followed all the well laid out plans of Zenom and it's really tight.
I have never cared about my life like today.
Because I don't want to die without telling her I am sorry for everything and without telling her how much I love her.
The first time I saw her, her body captivated me even with clothes.
The second time I had her, without clothes beneath me her body took my breath away. She was the death of me.
Every night, I had her in my arms... I loved to look into her beautiful eyes every now and then.
She would tell me about her pains, her past and I kissed them away. I don't know buh I started to open up to her...also telling her about my darkness.
It consumed each of us that we started to share how we feel about life each night.
How I got sold out by my own parents to the mob and how she was abused by her own father.
Sometimes we drift of to sleep holding each other tight if we really exhausted.
Even after I've wasted her and she's tired, I like to make sure she's okay.
No one ever knew about this.
It happens every night and in the day I ignore her.
That's how is suppose to be...right?
I was wrong.
I never knew that bothered her.
One night after everything, she whispered I love you.
It was never in my dictionary.
My own parents did not even love me to speak of a total stranger.
That's a big lie.
I hate liars who try to play with your feelings.
Then I ended it.
I stopped our every night encounter by ignoring her and staying away from the house each night.
Every night afterwards, I couldn't sleep again.
She was glued to my mind.
I craved her every night but as long as love was part of the equation I excused my self.
I never experienced love in my life and it's scam.

This world is too cruel for love to me.
I had to be gay at some point for some rich dude who I was sold to after the mob.
It was so disgusting.
I had to kill or get killed and my scars tell it all.
My salvation came through Maxmilliano though is dad was tuff in the beginning.
Buh I realized that's how he is.
He let his children experience the real world at a tender age so they'll know the way of life, how to handle it and write their own fate.
I watch him let his elder son suffer because he was going to be Don one day. And maybe he did right because our enemies are more wicked than we thought. This is no fairy tale where the antagonist vanishes after being exposed. This where the antagonist tortures your life till you die or they die.
And in such a world you can't believe in love.
Yes, I hated love.
Buh it got to a point I was restless.
I caught her once crying and it broke me.
I don't know what the feeling is but is this how Max feels?
Buh I always assured my self I don't have affection for her.
At least, I thought.
I ignored her for as long as I want but it did me no good.
I ended spending most of my night doing what I'm not suppose to do.
I missed her.
And when I needed to speak to her about everything she ignored me.
Like it never happened.
I felt like a knife was stabbed into my chest.
Very painful.
Is that how she felt?
I've still been trying to get her attention but it's in vain.
I overheard one of the maids speaking of her planned departure next week.
I had the chance to talk to her when I met her at the grocery store but she screamed and called me a rapist leaving me to be beaten up by some gangsters on the street.
I ended up at the police station as being a rapist but power has it ways of letting me go.
I almost had the chance to speak to her again on the night the mission was assigned to me but Lucille unknowingly interfered.

Now back to my mission, Zenom will arrive at the port at 2:30am.
Yeah 'am'.
There security is very tight .
The port security personals have been paid and everywhere of the port is guarded. No one has to be seen around the port.
And that's the problem.
I can't appear there, throw a bomb and go unnoticed.
All of the 2,000,500 Zenoms that cost over billions is in that container and that's a mistake they've made.
I heard the Russian Don is gone broke but he knows and thinks he'll make more than triple the profit.
There are drones also every where protecting the port.
I sit, take a map and began to think.
Let's say the port is non-existent in here.
How else can I get close to drop a bomb.
It's just a matter of dropping the bomb right into the container without being seen.
A few meters away lies a town in the middle of the sea , so an island.
A small research about the island got me knowing that it has an airport.
Now I thought, running immediately may leave trails but acting as a commoner will make me seem like a ghost.
So I chose the latter.



It is 1 hour more left till the Zenom container arrives.
Meaning it 1:30am.
I have decided to execute my plan under water.
I've got all my equipment and designed a drone that looks exactly like theirs.
My flight takes of in 2:40, that means there's no time to waste.
When Zenom arrives, I have less than two minutes to drop the bomb and seconds to leave with 3 minutes to go back to the island.
I'm planning on using less time. After all I don't need to go close.
I loged at the town a few hours ago with a fake White beard making me look very aged. An old 60 year old widow was already hitting on me. I mentally face palmed my self. So I even look hot as on old man.
It's 2:10 and I spot Zenom surprisedly from where I was.
Guess it early.
To make sure it's Zenom, I used my binoculars to scan the the big red container till I saw the symbol.
It's Zenom.
Max contacted me earlier.
The container is red. And has the Russian symbol on it. Beneath is black.
Max description was right.
Iaughed at the thought of everyone waiting for Crucifero and Montisinos tomorrow. The Pakistan man is all alone. I chuckle.
Taking a breath, I wear my swim suit immediately plus my oxygen and dive into the water.
Zenom is about 5 metres from me and 15 minutes away from the port.
My drone can travel 3 miles.
As fast as I can , I swim 2 miles closer in 5 damn minutes.
I got my drone, attached to it one strong bomb and before I can send it to go, i think again.
No, 2 will do.
I attach one more bomb and away. I control it to go.
6 minutes of venom reaching the port then....


There I go into a third class plane as an old man.
Mission accomplished.
Easier than I thought.


Teaser: Kiana's so called tablet will be hacked.

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