Chapter 16

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"Ermm, come here " I called the new maid as I spotted her when I came out of Max room.
I've really been satisfying my needs recently.
I know it isn't right but I just can't help it .
His body calls mine into his.
It like a magnetic force
"Yes ma'am " she responded rushing to me.
"Follow me " I commanded and begun walking feeling her presence right behind me.
I walked into my room and left the door open so she can walk in.
"Help me pack" I commanded and smiled a little.
There was a little traveling bag in the room already as Max promised.
He also promised me that he'll personally handle Camy's gift himself since we will be there before the actual day.
I actually disagreed but I agreed when he promised to get me involved.
He had too
It's going to be my baby girl's 8th birthday.
I had to make it special.
In a way she want.
That what makes it special.
I and Rin will surely have to work together to do this.
"So what's your name?" I asked whiles grabbing my clothes from the huge wardrobe and dumping it on the bed.
I don't really have to choose the clothes I'll take because all my stuffs are nice.
I'll just make sure I take something presentable so I can wear on Camy's birthday.
I have a habit of wearing so much comfy stuffs on special occasions when held in the house.
"Avani" She replied whiles taking one of my clothes, removing it from the hanger and folding it into the black purplish traveling bag which is now on the bed opened.
"Mhm... Where are you from and how did you get here?"I questioned.
Every maid working here has a terrible past. That is why we take them in ...they understand the other side of life and have seen the darker side of this world. Hence, they'll be glad we gave them a place to stay and feed them.they'll do their best for us.
They all don't know that they work for a mafia.
The only thing they know is that their working for a rich kind hearted man.
This one thing we the Mafia's do.
We take advantage of every situation.
Make hay whiles the sun shines.
Our home in Italy was the same.
We always took people who have terrible past or bought them.
These people know the value of what they have now compared to those who always had it .
Back in Italy the house is divided into two. Only us and a few men knows that.
The maids are blind cause we made them to.
There is a wall in my dad's office.
It's a door.
The only thing to do is to say the keyword and it will open.
It has only been set to three voices which is My dad, Rin and I.
Rin actually goes there all the time.
When you enter , you will first meet darkness.
You will have to say another keyword then the elevator takes you down.
Dark world

The place is surrounded with men.
These men get through using the back yard.
Well...we use only well trusted men who has work with us for years.
They come early before anyone sees them, they leave very late and those on watch come to take over.
Only the men who sleeps in the house knows them.
What a life?
I don't know of Max.

"My mum is a Ghanaian and my dad is a Pakistan" she replied.
I didn't expect her to know her parents though as most maids don't or ...all of them?
I glanced at her when she said Pakistan.
Is she a spy.
Come down girl
But this explains her light brown skin complexion.
"It sought of a long story" she says whiles folding another dress of mine into the bag neatly.
"Tell me " I said standing up to grab some undies.

She sighed.
"My mum is actually from Ghana as I said earlier. Her parents brought her here to study and she lived with her uncle. She told me that her uncle was very good to her till she realized he wanted something in return.
My uncle had tried to sleep with her but that very day she ran away. She tried contacting her parents but she failed.
Her uncle had actually reported her missing and kidnapped at the police station so she was being search for.
She slept on the street and stuffs I think you must already know.
But just a week after her struggle she met this Pakistan man at a club when she made her mind to be a stripper.At least she'll get a place to sleep than the cold street." She paused.
I grabbed half of my cosmetics,shoes, night gown and some slippers knowing I'll surely borrow some of mum or Rin's cosmetics.
I don't think I'm ready to pack a lot knowing well that unpacking them will be another problem for me.
Can you blame me?

"That's terrible. Your uncle...Continue"
I ushered her to continue whiles sitting on the bed again.
"Oh and sit down" I told her realizing that she has been standing this whole time.
I don't bite.
she sat on the bed and I could tell she was trying to hold her comment about how soft the bed is.
And by the way , which human being tries to have sex with his niece.
A sociopath and maniac of course.

"The man took her in and changed her fate right that moment. She found herself falling for the Pakistan man and up to now she claims she's in love with him. They had me. So he's my dad.
He never stayed at home. He only comes to visit twice in a week and I still don't understand why he doesn't live with us. I sometimes thank God for that because if he lived with us always I'm not sure my mum will still be alive. He always abused her sexually, domestically and verbally ,remembering her of her past.
As stubborn as I was I didn't allow him to continue. He was good to me in a way because he allowed me go to school and leave a lavish lifestyle.
But the beatings and screams became too much in our beautiful house.
He now combined the two of us and beat us up for little or no mistakes.
He's always angry,I just don't know why.
I ran away from home...just like my mother. I faced the same fate.
But this time it was a woman who took me in.
Mine was terrible because she added me to some young teenagers in a room who were sold out. I ended up being sold to a rich man He wasn't bad but he had terrible anger issues. I mistakenly entered his office without knocking and I almost got killed for it. He was with this young man I now discovered is your husband.
He told him to take me away and do what ever he wanted to do with me because he's tired of my childish and incompetent act. So here I am "
She ended.
I thought she was actually reading a story to me.
"Sorry" is all I could say.
She nodded. We were done with packing and we now had to close the bag.
"How old are you?" I asked .
"19" she answered.
This world!
The world is cruel and unfair.
They say justice, equality and equity but ....
"So who named you Avani ?" I asked again.
Not a bad name at all.
"My Dad " she answered and finished zipping the now full traveling bag.
I thought I was complaining of unpacking but here it goes.
I'll still have to unpack a lot of stuffs.
"So for how long will you be away ma'am" she asked me whiles gently carrying the bag unto the floor beside the bed.
"A week. I have  to prepare and put some stuffs together." I told her. I was suppose to go on Monday but I think the week has already ended so it better if I brief her that way.

She nodded and stood up preparing to leave.
"Thanks for helping and sharing your story with me " I told her.
She was about to reply but I stood up and left the washroom.
She can say it sometime...perhaps?
I find her story amusing and sought of interesting though...
A real life story?
I removed my clothes and jumped into the shower with my body underneath the cold water.

Kiana don't think about this now!


Say hello to Avani :)
Vote if you find Avani interesting X


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