Chapter 24

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Xavier had a chair in the room broken out of anger.
I flinched at his actions.
Never have I seen Xavier so angry like this...He immediately left the room.
As for dad, I can see it taking him every fibre in his body to control his anger.
He has been silent but the veins popping out of his neck does not go unnoticed by me.It shows his rage and I can tell it is increasing every second.
They threw Camari into the Van like an object and drove away quickly.
Just so quickly that I suspect that there was a driver already in the car waiting for them.
But the good news is we were able to capture the cars number plate.
"Rin"My dad says and nods to her.
She quickly scribbled down the car's number and nods back before leaving the room but not after giving me a brief look.
She was going to search for the car.
I hope we find it.
This can lead us to Camy's destination.
Everyone left the room except from me.
I want to confirm the person behind this.
I let the man behind the screen pause when I had an angle that gave me a clear view of the kidnappers.
I looked at them carefully.


Then who did this?

Who is behind this?

I thought it was the Russians ... But I'm wrong.
First of all I've come in contact with a lot of Russian's and learnt a lot about almost everyone in the Russian mafia.
I know is not everybody I must know.
If they were planning on kidnapping Camy our spies would have found out and told us. My tablet too will have to display something which will make me suspicious.
If it was the Russians, the lady and the man will have that tattoo on their neck like every russian on a mission.
A stupid mission.
A mission of destruction to us but a mission of achievement to them.
That's how it works between rivals in a mafia.

This is not the work of the Russians.

I have a feeling this is not Crucifero either?

Do we have any enemy that I don't know about?






And again Negative.

It damn negative.

It damn fake.


Fake car number plate.


They outsmarted us .

I thought there was a ray of hope.

Ha. Who was I kidding.
Whoever is behind this is very smart.Very.

Left no trace. No trace.

They fixed another cars number plate on the car.

The number lead us to an old man's house.
We did some investigation about the old man but it was useless.
He was just an old widower who lives a normal life. Still grieving his wife.

And now my prayer is to never grieve for Camy. No way.
We have to leave the way we came.
I must leave this earth before her not she before me. And I will have to make sure neither of us die without accomplishing our mission. Not young either.

Xavier has not been seen.

Mum is still not back.

I'm short of words. I couldn't even tell the others about what I've discovered.
I just don't feel like telling them.
We've been in dad's office contacting people, increasing security and organizing searches.
We have to find her.

How is she now?

I just don't want to imagine her condition.

I keep on blocking them out.

And it is not damn easy.

I just feel like screaming...inflicting pain -

"Start packing. We leave tomorrow morning"Max thick accent informs me.
I was about to protest but he's already gone.
The fuck.
We are in the middle of finding my one and only sister and he wants me to leave.


What will Camy think of me?

No way.

"Da- Mr. Martinez you better talk to him. I ain't going anywhere" I tell my dad. I just can't afford to call him dad now.
He'll think I've forgiven him.
He needs to do something to earn that name back.
Something like now.

He has to convince Max to let us stay. At least I should be allowed to stay if he doesn't want to.

But then, Again...

He lost the chance.

He shook his head.
"It for the better. It safer"
Safer huh?
I opened my mouth to say something but nothing comes out.
I looked liked a fish out of water opening my mouth like I want air inorder to breath.
I could feel Rin's gaze at the side of face.
Without a word l left the office and slammed the door.
I head to my room and straight to the bed.
I sat on the bed and stared into space... the tears refusing fall.
My head spinning.
I just don't want to think.
I don't want to.
It hurts.
Just fucking hurt.
My heart shutters.
Just to painful.
And behind this mum can't be found.
Where to?
Has she ran away ?
She was last seen driving in her car.
For a moment I also thought she was kidnapped but information gained tells us there was a possibility that she left on her own.
She ran away?
Is she trying to punish dad for his actions towards her?

If so then she's hurting us too.

She has no idea how I need her now.

Her comforting arms, sweet words, motherly love but what if she doesn't love me at all.
What if Crucifero is right?
My real dad?


No. No. No.
I shut my brain off. Stop thinking!
Just stop it!
I scold myself.

I am heart broken.

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