Chapter 75- Moving Forward

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Chapter 75- Moving Forward

(August 23, 1994)

High General Powell walks into the National Military Command Center deep in the Pentagon. Today is an important meeting.

As he walks into the room, he sees the other 11 men of the Terran Joint Command already seated around the table. Powell walks in silently and takes his seat.

Powell looks around the table at his colleagues, then says, "Well, gentlemen. The tables have certainly turned on us." This is met by nods around the table.

Powell then says, "It's clear that our relationship with the former Republic is gone. I think we can expect a war with the Empire sometime in the not too distant future. What I want to know is where we stand right now in our forces."

"We have the final casualty counts. We have confirmation that we lost about 27,000 men from the Republic's betrayal. However, we successfully captured 4 Venator class Star Destroyers and 2 Acclamator calss assault ships, as well as the three Venator class Star Destroyers brought to us by Lieutenant Colonel Yamazaki. I just received a report this morning stating that all clones brought to Terra have had their inhibitor chips removed, and have sworn to aid the Alliance. We also successfully captured a Separatist Providence class ship during our retreat, and its entire complement of battle droids have been reprogrammed to be loyal to us. This leaves our Starfleet with 27 total ships," Fleet Admiral Kelly says.

"This will leave us woefully unprepared for any attack by the Empire," General Eliyahu says.

"However, we do know that because of our efforts to defend the Jedi, and the loss of leadership, the Empire has been left in a bit of disarray. It will take them some time to gather the forces needed to attack us. At the same time, we have been preparing a stockpile of nuclear anti-starship missiles to use in the event of an attack, and according to the most recent report, we have 1,231 missiles in our stockpile, with more in production. Also, tomorrow I will be attending the keel laying ceremony for our first domestically built Star Destroyer," Kelly says.

Powell nods. "The next decade is what will be crucial. Once the Star Forge is up and running, we will be able to make up the difference in our fleet sizes," he says.

Powell pauses, then says, "Gentlemen. We may have lost this round. But next time will be different. Next time, we'll know who we're facing, and we'll be a power to be reckoned with. Vengeance will come, and the Empire will fall." The men around the table nod in agreement, looking forward to that day.

(Martinsburg, West Virginia)

Mace walks into the building, along with Plo Koon and Luminara. The building in question was formerly a public gym, but had been donated for use as a training center for the Terran Jedi Order while the Temple was under construction. Mace, Plo, and Luminara had just come from visiting the construction site, and had decided to come visit the center.

As they walk in, they see Kit kneeling on the ground in front of Miriam and another youngling, a German orphan boy named Axel, practicing blocking blaster bolts using training lightsabers. Kit sees them walk in and smiles. "Miriam. Axel. We have guests," he says.

The two remove the helmets covering their eyes. As soon as they the approaching Jedi, both of them break out in smiles. "Hello, Masters," they say.

"Hello," Mace returns the greeting.

Kit walks towards them a few steps, then looks back at Miriam and Axel and says, "Continue your practice younglings, while I speak to the Masters."

Miriam and Axel slide their helmets back into place and continue practicing, while Kit turns back to three Jedi.

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