Chapter 71- Duel of the Fates

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Chapter 71- Duel of the Fates

Hall checks his gear, making sure he has all his weapons and has his lightsaber strapped to his belt. He then turns to his men.

"Alright, men. This is going to be the most important mission we've ever been on. Once General Kenobi radioes us and lets us know he's on his way, we'll get underway," Hall says.

The three men all nod. Almost immediately after Hall says this, his commlink begins to beep. Hall presses the button and says, "Yes, General?"

"I spoke to Senator Amidala. She claimed to know nothing about where Anakin is, but she does. I'm on board her ship right now. I suspect she may be on her way to Mustafar, especially given that Colonel Rommel overhead General Grievous ordering the Separatist Council to go there. I suspect Anakin may have gone there to kill them. Begin making your way to Mustafar and meet me there," Obi Wan says.

"Understood, General. We'll see you there," Hall says before ending the transmission. Hall then makes his way to the cockpit, where a Russian Air Force captain is sitting at the controls.

"Captain Smirnov. We've received a transmission from General Kenobi. He is on his way to Mustafar. Plot a course and get us there ASAP!" Hall orders.

"Understood, Colonel," Captain Smirnov says, already plotting a course for Mustafar. Hall waits for a few moments, then heads into the back as Smirnov activates the hyperdrive, and the shuttle jumps into hyperspace.

(Hours later, Mustafar)

"Coming out of hyperspace!" Captain Smirnov says to Hall, who is currently sitting in the co-pilot's seat. A few moments later, the shuttle drops out of hyperspace.

"Do you have a lock on General Kenobi's position?" Hall asks.

"Just a moment," Smirnov says, pressing buttons on a control console. A few moments later, he says, "I'm detecting his tracker. It's on a landing platform. Heading towards that location now.

Smirnov dives into the atmosphere, heading for the landing pad.

Meanwhile, on the landing pad. Padme is pleading with Anakin to stop and come back to her and to the light. However, as she pleads, Anakin notices Obi Wan standing at the top of the ramp leading down from her ship, and fury swells in him.

"Liar!" he shouts.

Padme turns around and sees Obi Wan standing in her ship. "No!" she cries.

"You're with him! You brought him here to kill me!" Anakin shouts angrily before reaching out and beginning to choke Padme with the Force.

"Let her go, Anakin!" Obi Wan shouts, walking down the ramp.

Anakin doesn't seem to hear him. Then, a blaster bolt hits at his feet, forcing him to break off his Force choke and step back. Padme falls to the ground as both Obi Wan and Anakin look up, right as the Terran shuttle slows to a hover just over the platform. Hall and Lieutenant Walker leap down onto the wings of Padme's ship, then down to the ground as Captain Allen and Lieutenant Commander Woods fly down and land on the platform. Walker, Allen, and Woods then aim their assault blasters at Anakin. Hall glances over at Padme, and sees she's visibly pregnant. The dots connect instantly, and Hall feels shock flow through him.

Anakin fixes his glare at Obi Wan and shouts, "You turned her against me!"

"You did that yourself, you SOB," Allen says, still aiming his assault blaster at the Jedi he's fought beside countless times.

Anakin paces back and forth a few times, removing his outer robe, before screaming, "You will not take her from me!"

"Your anger and your lust for power have already done that," Obi Wan says as he removes his robe, ready to fight. He and Hall start walking in a slow circle around Anakin, along with Allen and Woods. At the same time, Walker inches the other way, heading towards Padme, ready to take her back to the ship once they're in the clear.

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