Chapter 39- Prisoners

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Chapter 39- Prisoners

Darkness has fallen over Mon Cala, both from the night and the dust and debris from the battles waged in the capitol city. It's been hours since the Gungan attack, and all of the defending forces have been captured.

As a patrol of aqua droids emerge from a pipe, Ahsoka, Adams, and Lee-Char watch from behind a ledge. "We can't hide forever," Lee-Char comments.

"The Gungan Army was the last of the Republic's reinforcements. There won't be any more," Ahsoka says.

"Not necessarily. I know for a fact two American Marine Corps units have been undergoing training for underwater combat, and have been receiving gear for it, though I don't remember when the date was for them to be ready for combat. They may be on their way now for all we know. And don't forget. Louisville is still out there. If her crew can get her back underway, she can still help," Adams says.

"The failure is mine, not the Republic's or the Terrans'," Lee-Char says.

"Get back!" Ahsoka says urgently, and the three duck back into the shadows as a group of captured Gungans and Mon Calamari swim past, escorted by aqua droid guards.

Watching the prisoners go by, the prince and his two protectors swim off and find a another hiding spot.

"If my father were here, he could unite with Nossor Ri and the Quarren. The Quarren and Mon Cala have always had a difficult relationship, but it was respectful until Riff Tamson arrived. Once that Karkarodon got inside Nossor Ri's head, the alliance between the Mon Cala and the Quarren fell apart," Lee-Char says before moving again.

The three swim deeper, heading for the bottom of the city. As they swim, Lee-Char says, "I know what I must do. The Mon Cala and Quarren people must be reunited."

Taking shelter to avoid being seen by a Trident assault craft, Ahsoka says, "Okay. I like your thinking, but what's the strategy?"

"Count all the prisoners. Mon Cala, Gungans, clones, Americans. If we all fought together, we would outnumber our opponent," Lee-Char says.

"If this is going to work, we'll need to let your people know. They'll have to be ready to fight," Ahsoka says.

"We'll need Captain Ackbar. And I think I know where to find him," Lee-Char says before swimming off, Ahsoka and Adams following the prince.

Miles away from the capitol city, the Louisville is still resting on the sea floor. Thankfully, unlike what was first thought, her engines didn't suffer much damage given that she technically hit bow first, although it was at a very shallow angle.

Inside the sub, it's a hive of activity. Repairmen are working hard to plug the leaks while technicians work on repairing damaged hardware. It's been almost 3 hours since the submarine was damaged and hit the seafloor. Captain Hall has given them a timeframe of 5 hours to get the sub back up and running again. Thankfully, with the damage the sub actually took, this isn't an impossible timeline.

"Status report!" Commander Gore demands from the conn.

Further down the sub, a repair officer responds over a telephone system of sorts, "Captain, all but two leaks have been plugged. There is some shock damage to the drive systems, but that won't take long. I think we'll be able to get underway again in an hour."

"Good," Gore responds before hanging up. He then stares off into space as he mutters, "I hope Adams has kept the Prince alive."


On the bridge of the Terran Venator class Star Destroyer Indefatigable, Rear Admiral Jean-Luc Delauney, a French Rear Admiral, turns to one of his bridge officers. "How much further?" he demands.

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