Chapter 4- Beginning of an Alliance

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Chapter 4- Beginning of an Alliance

Deep in the mountains of Colorado, under hundreds of feet of rock, the Cheyenne Mountain Complex is abuzz with activity.

It's been two weeks since the arrival of Anakin and his force. Since then, news of extraterrestrials visiting Earth have spread across the planet. Most of the planet, and even most governments, still don't know the truth of what's going on.

However, many units within the US military knows of the truth. At least, to a degree. The personnel at Cheyenne Mountain are on constant alert, conducting constant surveillance of the outer atmosphere and Earth orbit, keeping watch for further arrivals.

As a young First Lieutenant is watching a video feed from a satellite in orbit, he suddenly sees something appear on the screen.

"Colonel!" he calls out to the Colonel on watch. The Colonel walks over.

"What is it, Lieutenant?" he asks.

"Sir. Look," he says, pointing to his screen. The Colonel leans in to take a closer look, and sees now 20 ships on the screen. As he watches, 4 more pop up.

"Zoom in," the Colonel orders. The Lieutenant types a few keys, and the view zooms in, giving the Colonel a better look. He takes a close look, and recognizes the shape from a briefing he was sent.

"Contact National Command. Let them know the Republic's follow on forces have started arriving," he says.


Anakin sighs a bit as he twiddles his thumbs. After a few days of being allowed to remain in the White House, President Bush ordered them to be transferred to the Pentagon, the national military command center of the United States. By now, he's getting seriously bored. He's been trying to take the time to get in some extra practice and teaching with Ahsoka, but due to restrictions imposed on their activity for the time being, it's made it difficult. Anakin has begun to lose his patience with the Americans.

However, as time has gone on, the Americans have shown a greater level of trust towards the visitors from the Republic, and have allowed them more free reign. Some tour guides had given them a tour of the museums that made up the Smithsonian a few days ago. Anakin had found the Air and Space Museum to be very interesting.

Not only that, but just yesterday, they had had the opportunity to celebrate a local American holiday. The holiday, known as Thanksgiving, was apparently a time for Americans to gather together to give thanks and enjoy dinner together. Anakin and Ahsoka had been invited to celebrate Thanksgiving with the President and his family, while the clones were invited to a Thanksgiving celebration with an Army unit known as the Old Guard. Anakin and Ahsoka had found it to be an intriguing concept of a holiday (one of a number, they had learned), but had rather enjoyed it.

"General Skywalker." Anakin turns to see an young Army captain standing a few feet away, his hands behind his back.

"Yes, captain?" Anakin asks.

"We just received a transmission from the Cheyenne Mountain command center in Colorado. Satellites in orbit caught the arrival of 24 ships in Earth orbit less than an hour ago. They match the shape and design of the ships in your task force, along with a few other ships. We have not yet established contact with them, but we presume them to be the follow on task force you told us was coming," the captain responds.

Anakin starts beaming. "Thank you, captain. I'll attempt to contact them immediately," he says, pulling out his commlink.

After a few moments, Admiral Yularen pops up on the commlink. "Hello, General," the Admiral responds.

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