Chapter 55- Bad Batch

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Chapter 55- Bad Batch

(February 20, 1994)

Colonel Hall looks out at the sky above. It's getting later in the day. It's been a very long day of combat.

The Battle for Anaxes has been going for about three weeks now. The Separatists, who had been pushed back into the Outer Rim lately, had made a strike deeper into Republic space to take out the facilities at Anaxes. Admiral Trench was leading the force.

Losses had been great on both sides. Troops for the United States, Canada, Germany, and Saudi Arabia had been deployed to Anaxes to shore up the defenses. But slowly, the Republic's hold on Anaxes was beginning to weaken.

Originally, Colonel White and Colonel Han had been the members of the team deployed to Anaxes. However, White had been wounded on January 23, and Hall, who had just returned to Coruscant, had been sent to take his place.

Hall is currently standing around a holo-projector, along with Mace Windu and Anakin. Han is currently out in the field fending off a droid attack.

"The droids are on the verge of overrunning the main production facility. All we have holding the facility at this point is a single regiment of Saudi troops, and they're barely holding on," Hall says.

"If we lose that facility, we won't be able to hold on much longer. We'll lose Anaxes, which will compromise our entire reserve fleet," Windu says.

Right then, Rex and Cody walk up. "Pardon me, Generals. Colonel. But Rex here has an idea on how we can turn the tide," Cody says.

"Captain," Windu motions for Rex to speak.

"The droid army uses analytics to predict our strategy. The first time we use a tactic, it's very effective. The next, less so. In fact, the more we use a certain tactic, the less effective it becomes. They learn our tendencies and use that data against us," Rex says.

"What do you propose we do about it?" Hall asks.

"Let Rex and me take a small force behind enemy lines. We've discovered a Separatist Cyber Center which relays all battlefield intel to their command ship. If we're going to find anything, it will be there. And once we're done, we can destroy it, and cut off its usefulness to the enemy," Cody says.

"If you think it will help turn this fight around, get going," Windu says.

"And you bet I'll be coming with you," Hall says with a grin. Cody and Rex smile appreciatively. They then turn and walk away.

Hall soon excuses himself and makes his way towards his own quarters. When he gets there, he immediately turns on his commlink. Seconds later, an image of General Powell comes up.

"Colonel Hall. What is it?" Powell asks.

"General. I am going to be accompanying Captain Rex and Commander Cody to take out a Separatist Cyber Center. It's going to be a dangerous operation, and I think we could use a few Zulus to help us out," Hall says with a knowing grin.

"Very well, Colonel. We have a small squad already nearby. I will send them to Anaxes immediately," Powell responds.

(Hours later)

Hall looks up at the sky. The squad Cody had called in should be here any minute, as should the Zulus.

Right then, Cody and Rex, along with Jesse and Kix, come walking up behind him. As they do, a clone comes over the PA and says, "Repeat, coming in hot on platform TT-3-9-7."

As the clone says this, a ship descends towards the landing platform, moving at high speed. The ship flies in incredibly low and fast over the pad, knocking a number of men off their feet before setting down.

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