Chapter 43- Carnage of Krell

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Chapter 43- Carnage of Krell

The door to the lift opens, and Rex and Rommel emerge from it into the command center, walking over to Krell. True to Rommel's promise to keep the man close to him, Doyle is right behind him.

"General Krell. I respectfully request that you reconsider court-martialing Fives and Echo," Rex says respectfully.

"The actions ARC troopers 5555 and 1409 were a clear act of treachery and disregard for my command. If punishment isn't swift, their defiance may inspire others to follow suit," Krell says.

"Sir, the men are with you. It's just that some of them feel like you're putting their lives in danger needlessly," Rex says.

"All the more reason to send a clear message that I am in charge and insubordination will not be tolerated. The truth is, these clones have had a difficult time respecting my command since the beginning. I've seen it before. Some clones are just defective. They aren't able to succumb to authority. You're right, Captain. I don't think I can court-martial them. That will only be a waste of time, and that's something we don't have. I'm afraid they'll need to be disposed of. Prepare a squad for execution," Krell says, walking past Rex as he finishes.

"What?! Bu-but sir!" Rex protests in astonishment.

"You heard me, Captain! Have it done immediately, or I'll do it myself!" Krell orders.

"You've got to be kidding me, General. This campaign won't last much longer! There's no reason to execute them now! Just keep them in the brig until they can be sent back to Coruscant!" Rommel says angrily.

"The Umbarans have kept up their attacks. Who knows when we could be overrun? I will not tolerate traitors like them being captured, or being set loose. This is my order!" Krell shouts back at Rommel.

Rommel glares at Krell. "You're already treading on eggshells with me, Krell. I am already pissed that you think you have the authority to imprison and court-martial one of my men. This is just adding to my irritation. I'd advise you to think carefully about your future actions and avoid pissing me off even more," he says angrily before storming out of the command center.

(short time later)

A clone firing squad of six men marches in single file into position, then does a left face and lowers their blaster rifles.

Dogma, walking in front of the firing squad, shouts, "Line up the prisoners!"

Several clones bring Fives and Echo, who aren't wearing their armor, but just the comfortable clothing they wear under the armor.

Rommel and several Canadians are present, all glaring. None of them are angry at the clones, but at Krell, who Rommel has noticed is watching from the tower.

As the clones escorting them place Fives and Echo in position, Dogma asks, "Will the prisoners request to be blindfolded?"

Neither Fives or Echo respond to Dogma's question. After a moment, Dogma turns away and says, "I'll take that as a No."

"I hope you can live with yourself, Dogma," Fives says venomously. Rommel also shoots Dogma a dirty look, unable to believe he's being so uncaring about this.

Dogma stands beside Rex and calls out, "Ready weapons!"

The firing squad raises their rifles to their shoulders. "Never thought we'd go out like this," Echo says.

"Aim!" Dogma calls, and the firing squad aims their rifles at Fives and Echo.

Dogma is about to give the order, but Fives suddenly shouts, "Wait! This is wrong! The general is making a mistake, and he needs to be called on! No clone should have to go out this way! We are loyal soldiers! We follow orders, but we are not a bunch of unthinking droids! We are men! We must be counted on to make the right decision. Especially when the orders we are given are wrong!"

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